20080908#3.0 EBS Ink-Jet Systeme EN 11ENing or the printer operation time afterrecharging may shorten dramatically.!The battery is not replaceable asstandard.When the battery is charged, theprinter cannot communicate withthe computer but the printer canbe used for printing at that time.Low-battery indicatorFON/OFFPRINTPOWER ERRORCHARGEThe printer indicates the low-batterycondition with a buzzing signal frombuzzer 33 and flashing lamp 21:6 Short-time, regular flashes meanthat the battery is almost dis-charged, the printer can still be op-erated,6 Uniform blinking means that thebattery is almost completely dis-charged. In this condition any fur-ther operation may be discontinuedbecause the printer can switch offautomatically. Recharge the bat-tery.Installing and Replacing the InkContainerSee figure E .Installing the Ink Container in thePrinterWhen the printer is delivered, the inkcontainer is detached. Follow thesteps below in order to install thecontainer:1. Remove the container from pack-ing 10.2. Position the container in relationto the back of the printer so thatthree bayonets 31 of the con-tainer aim at guide holes of thecontainer connector. At that mo-ment arrow 12 indicates theOPEN position.3. Insert bayonets 31 into the guideholes and while pressing the con-tainer against the printer turn itclockwise, so that arrow 12 is inthe CLOSE position.When the ink container is installed,the printer is ready for operationwithin about 10 seconds after it hasbeen switched on.How to Check Whether There isany Ink in the Ink Container?When the printer stops printing makesure that there is no ink in the con-tainer. You can assess the ink level inthe container in two ways:1. Weigh the printer on installing anew container - write down theweight. When the container isempty, the weight of the printer issmaller by about 83 grams.2. Detach the full container from theprinter, place it with its bayonets31 up into a vessel whose diame-ter is slightly greater than the di-ameter of the container and pourwater so that the container startsfloating without turning upsidedown. Mark the water level onthe vessel before (line 1) and af-ter (line 2) the full container hasbeen immersed. Then insert theempty container and mark theimmersion level (line 3). You cancheck the ink consumption levelat any time by immersing thecontainer in water and comparingthe current level with the previouslines (lines 2 and 3). Make surethere is always the same waterlevel in the vessel (line 1).