20080908#3.0 EBS Ink-Jet Systeme EN 29EN39. LED indicator to indicate radio trans-mission in the RFI Module.As an alternative to module 22 (RFI viaUSB) you can use RFI Module 35 thatcommunicates via RS-232.1. Find an unoccupied series port(COM) in your computer.2. Connect the port COM of your com-puter with socket 37 in module 35 viacable 363. Install module 35 in such a way thatthe optimal range for radio transmis-sion is ensured.!Do not cover module 35 with unnec-essary shields or objects, especiallymetal ones. Ideally, place module 35at a certain height, to avoid anyobstacles between the printer andmodule 35.4. Insert connector 26 of power pack 25to power socket 38 of module 35 andconnect the power pack to a wall out-let.5. Switch the printer on.6. Start the control program. The pro-gram identifies the printer and if itcommunicates with the printer suc-cessfully, the following message isdisplayed: Printer is found.7. Click the key (the key isavailable in the communication win-dow only after the Adv. options itemhas been ticked) in order to view theprinter configuration. If an O.K. mes-sage is displayed, data have beentransmitted correctly.!If you find it difficult to communicatewith the printer, try and configure itonce again in the system. Start theNetwork configuration creator fromthe Guides menu and follow theinstructions.H28253536 2938COM16 95373926Technical ParametersPa ra met er De sc r ipt ionNumber of nozzles 16