14 EN EBS Ink-Jet Systeme 20080908#3.0ENText Files and Print Pa-rametersHow to Create a Text to bePrinted?Regular TextSee figure G .Insert texts in the text edit line in theedit window.Use a mouse and the following key-board keys to edit a text as standardand as you do in other Windows®applications:¡ to move the cursor hori-zontally to the right,¢ to move the cursor hori-zontally to the left,Y¡ to move the cursor hori-zontally to the right andhighlight the text,Y¢ move the cursor horizon-tally to the left and high-light the text,Delete to delete one character tothe right of the cursor,BackSpace to delete one character tothe left of the cursor,Home to move the cursor to thebeginning of the text,End to move the cursor to theend of the text.! You can type in up to 1300 charac-ters in one text.G Text edit windowcursor position in the textsample position of the cursortotal length of textprinter font type at the current cursor positionpaste a text from the clipboard (Ctrl+V)preview a printpreview other printscut and copy a text to the clipboard (Ctrl+X)copy a text to the clipboard (Ctrl+C)text edit lineend-of-monospaced-text markerbeginning-of-monospaced-text markerF2F1maximum textheight H maxHmaxchange fontMENU button (corresponds to the right mouse button)characterinsertion modeChanging proportional spacing andmonospacingProportional fonts are used to inserttexts as standard. This means thateach letter takes a space proportionalto the character width. For example, aletter W takes more space than aletter I.When monospaced fonts are used,the character width does not dependon the character. In other words, eachcharacter has the same width. Thebeginning of a monospaced piece of