19Instruction Book IB02707112EAugust 201550/75VCPW-VSRBreaker To Vacuum Starter Replacement UnitEATON CORPORATION www.eaton.comFigurt 5.6. Instroing Guidt Rails WARNINGDO NOT USE ANY TOOL OTHER THAN THE RACKING-IN CRANK PROVIDEDTO RACK THE VSR FROM TEST OR CONNECTED POSITIONS. CORRECTOPERATION OF SOME OF THE INTERLOCKS IS DEPENDENT ON USE OF THEPROVIDED RACKING CRANK. PERSONAL INJURY OR EQUIPMENT DAMAGECOULD RESULT FROM THE USE A TOOL OTHER THAN THE PROPERRACKING-IN CRANK. NOTICETHE VSR AND INTEGRAL RACKING MECHANISM INCLUDES ALLNECESSARY INTERLOCKS THAT WHEN INTER-FACED WITH A COMPATIBLESTRUCTURE WILL RENDER THE VSR MECHANISM MECHANICALLY ANDELECTRICALLY TRIP-FREE DURING THE RACKING PROCESS.To move the VCPW-VSR to the CONNECTED position, engage theracking-in crank with the structure mounted racking shaft (Figure5.9). Turn the racking-in crank in a clockwise direction and the VSRwill move slowly toward the rear of the structure. When the VSRreaches the CONNECTED position, it will become impossible tocontinue turning the racking-in crank. The CONNECTED positionwill also be indicated by a red flag indicator just below the rackingdevice. If a spin-free racking-in crank is being used, it will spin freeonce the CONNECTED position is reached. Secondary contacts willautomatically engage if not already engaged manually in the TESTposition.To remove the VCPW-VSR from the structure, reverse the procedurejust described by turning the racking-in crank in a counterclockwisedirection. Keep in mind that safety interlocks may cause the VSR toopen during the removal process. It depends on what condition theVSR was in as removal began.Figurt 5.8. Engaging StcNndary CNnoacosFigurt 5.7. InstroiNn Nf oht VCPW-VSRFigurt 5.9. Engaging StcNndary CNnoacos PreviousNext |