6Instruction Book IB02707112EAugust 201550/75VCPW-VSRBreaker To Vacuum Starter Replacement UnitEATON CORPORATION www.eaton.comSECTION 2: SAFE PRACTICESVSR-Series units are equipped with high speed, high energyoperating mechanisms. They are designed with several built-ininterlocks and safety features to provide safe and proper operatingsequences. WARNINGTO PROTECT THE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATED WITH INSTALLATION,OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE OF THESE UNITS, THE FOLLOWINGPRACTICES MUST BE FOLLOWED:• Only qualifitd ptrsNns, as dtfintd in oht NaoiNnal EltcoricalSaftoy CNdt, whN art familiar wioh oht insoallaoiNn andmainotnanct Nf mtdium vNloagt circuios and tquipmtno,shNuld bt ptrmiootd oN wNrk Nn ohtst unios.• Rtad ohtst insorucoiNns cartfully btfNrt aootmpoing anyinsoallaoiNn, NptraoiNn Nr mainotnanct Nf ohtst unios.• Always rtmNvt oht unio frNm oht tnclNsurt btfNrtptrfNrming any mainotnanct. Failurt oN dN sN cNuld rtsulo intltcorical shNck ltading oN dtaoh, stvtrt ptrsNnntl injury NrprNptroy damagt.• DN nNo wNrk Nn a unio wioh oht stcNndary otso cNupltrtngagtd. Failurt oN discNnntco oht otso cNupltr cNuld rtsuloin an tltcorical shNck ltading oN dtaoh, ptrsNnntl injury NrprNptroy damagt.• DN nNo wNrk Nn a clNstd unio. Tht main cNnoacos shNuld btNptn btfNrt wNrking Nn oht unio. Failurt oN dN sN cNuld rtsuloin cuooing Nr crushing injurits.• DN nNo ust a MV-VSR by iostlf as oht sNlt mtans Nf isNlaoinga high vNloagt circuio. RtmNvt oht unio oN oht DiscNnntcopNsioiNn and fNllNw all lNckNuo and oagging rults Nf ohtNaoiNnal Eltcorical CNdt and any and all applicablt cNdts,rtgulaoiNns and wNrk rults.• DN nNo ltavt oht unio in an inotrmtdiaot pNsioiNn in ohtctll. Always havt oht unio tiohtr in oht Ttso Nr CNnntcotdpNsioiNn. Failurt oN dN sN cNuld rtsulo in a flash Nvtr andpNssiblt dtaoh, ptrsNnntl injury Nr prNptroy damagt.• Thtst unios art tquipptd wioh saftoy inotrlNcks. DN nNodtftao ohtm. This may rtsulo in dtaoh, bNdily injury Nrtquipmtno damagt. PreviousNext |