7Instruction Book IB02707112EAugust 201550/75VCPW-VSRBreaker To Vacuum Starter Replacement UnitEATON CORPORATION www.eaton.comSECTION 3: RECEIVING, HANDLING, ANDSTORAGEType VCP-W VSR-series breaker to vacuum starter replacement unitsare subjected to complete factory production tests and inspectionbefore being packed. They are shipped in packages designed toprovide maximum protection to the equipment during shipmentand storage and at the same time to provide convenient handling.Accessories such as the cell code plate, etc. are shipped with theunit (Figure 3.1).3.1 RECEIVINGUntil the unit is ready to be delivered to the switchgear site forinstallation, DO NOT remove it from the shipping crate. If the unitis to be placed in storage, maximum protection can be obtained bykeeping it in its crate.Upon receipt of the equipment, inspect the crates for any signs ofdamage or rough handling. Open the crates carefully to avoid anydamage to the contents. Use a nail puller rather than a crow barwhen required.When opening the crates, be careful that any loose items orhardware are not discarded with the packing material. Check thecontents of each package against the packing list.Examine the unit for any signs of shipping damage such as broken,missing or loose hardware, damaged or deformed insulation andother components. File claims immediately with the carrier ifdamaged or loss is detected and notify the nearest Eaton’s ElectricalServices & Systems office.Tools and AccessoriesCNnoaco Wtar Gaugte: Optional item used to check contact wear.(Style 5259C11H01) (See Section 5)Racking Handlte: The original VCP-W racking handle is used to assistin moving the MV-VSR into and out of the cell.Lifoing YNkte: Optional lifting device that can be used to install a VSRinto upper compartment of VCP-W switchgear. (Style 94M7103G99)3.2 HANDLING WARNINGDO NOT USE ANY LIFTING DEVICE AS A PLATFORM FOR PERFORMINGMAINTENANCE, REPAIR OR ADJUSTMENT OF THE UNIT OR FOR OPENING,CLOSING THE CONTACTS OR CHARGING THE SPRINGS. THE UNIT MAYSLIP OR FALL CAUSING SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY. ALWAYS PERFORMMAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND ADJUSTMENTS ON A WORKBENCHCAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THE UNIT.VCPW-VSR unit shipping containers are designed to be handledeither by use of a rope sling and overhead lifting device or by afork lift truck. If containers must be skidded for any distance, it ispreferable to use roller conveyors or individual pipe rollers.Once the unit has been inspected for shipping damage, it is best toreturn it to its original shipping crate until it is ready to be installed inthe Metal-Clad Switchgear.When the unit is ready for installation, a lifting harness in conjunctionwith an overhead lift or portable floor lift can be used to move theunit, if this is preferable to rolling the unit on the floor using selfcontained wheels. If the unit is to be lifted, position the lifting device(lifting straps should have at least a 1600 pound capacity) over theunit and insert the lifting harness hooks into the unit side openingsand secure. Be sure the hooks are firmly attached before liftingthe unit. Stand a safe distance away from the unit while lifting andmoving.Figurt 3.1. CNnoaco Wtar Gaugt PreviousNext |