20 30–50kW P-164000249User's and Installation Guide Revision 1Figure 3-2: UPS cabinet clearances• X = min 200 mm• Y = min 800 mm• Z = 20 mm (recommended)3.2.2 UPS system power wiring preparationNOTEIf installing a maintenance bypass, a minimum of two separate feeds with upstream feederbreakers, or a single feed with two upstream feeder breakers, must be provided: one for theUPS or rectifier input breaker (if installed) and one for the maintenance bypass input. DO NOTuse a single feed or a single feeder breaker to supply both the UPS or rectifier input breakerand the maintenance bypass. If a bypass input breaker is installed in the maintenance bypassand a single-feed UPS is being installed, a single feed to the maintenance bypass is acceptablefor supplying both the UPS and the bypass.Read and understand the following notes while planning and performing the installation:• Refer to national and local electrical codes for acceptable external wiring practices.• To allow for future kVA upgrades, consider using conductors sized for non-derated units to wirederated units.• Material and labor for external wiring requirements are to be provided by designated personnel.• For external wiring, use 90°C copper wire. See the appropriate information in Table 3-5:Recommended multi-core cable and fuse sizes for 30-50kW UPS on page 21. Wire sizes arebased on using the specified breakers.• If wire is run in an ambient temperature greater than 30°C, higher temperature wire and/or largersize wire may be necessary.