48 30–50kW P-164000249User's and Installation Guide Revision 17.4 Starting the UPS in double conversion modeTo start the UPS system:1. Unfasten the front door latch and swing the door open.2. Verify that rectifier input switch S1 and battery breaker are closed, and close the front door.3. Close the UPS input feeder circuit breaker.4. Close the UPS bypass input feeder circuit breaker.5. Observe the UPS control panel display becoming active, indicating logic power.6. Press the Controls button in the main menu. The System Controls screen appears.7. On the System Controls screen, the UPS status should indicate SHUTDOWN.8. Close the battery breaker.9. Press the Go online button on the System Controls screen. If Auto Bypass is enabled (factorydefault), the critical load is immediately supplied by the bypass source, in Bypass mode, untilthe inverter turns on and the UPS transfers to double conversion mode. The status indicator onthe UPS control panel indicates the UPS is in Bypass mode. If auto bypass is not enabled, theUPS output remains off until the UPS transfers to double conversion mode.10. Observe the following messages appear sequentially on the System Controls screen:STARTINGUNIT ONLINEThe rectifier and inverter turn on. The DC voltage continues to ramp up to full voltage. Once theDC link reaches full voltage, and the battery breaker is closed, the UPS output relay K3 closesand the static switch turns off. Power is now supplied to the Critical load in double conversionmode. It takes approximately 20 seconds for the UPS to achieve double conversion mode.11. The UPS is now operating in double conversion mode and the NORMAL status indicator isilluminated.7.5 Starting the UPS in Bypass modeIf the inverter output of the UPS is not available and the critical load needs to be energized, performthe following procedure:CAUTIONIn Bypass mode, the critical load is not protected from commercial power interruptions andabnormalities.1. Unfasten the front door latch and swing the door open.2. Verify that rectifier input switch S1 and battery breaker are closed, and close the front door.3. Close the UPS input feeder circuit breaker.4. Close the UPS bypass input feeder circuit breaker.5. Observe the UPS control panel becoming active, indicating logic power.6. Press the Controls button in the main menu. The System Controls screen appears.7. On the System Controls screen, the system status should indicate SHUTDOWN.8. Press the Go to bypass button in the System Controls screen.The critical load is immediately supplied by the bypass source, in Bypass mode.9. The UPS is now operating in Bypass mode and the BYPASS status indicator is illuminated.