Eaton 9PX Lithium-Ion User Guide P-164001006—Rev 03 1933..77 UUPPSS CCoonnnneeccttiioonn wwiitthhoouutt HHoottsswwaapp MMBBPP MMoodduulleeCheck that the indications on the name plate located on the back of the UPS correspond to the AC-powersource and the true electrical consumption of the total load.15116 1976 51. 9PX 1000I / 1500I connect the UPSinput socket 1 to the AC-power9PX 2200I / 3000I: connect thesupplied cable 15 (250 V -16 A) to the socket 1 , thento the AC-power source.2. Connect the loads to the UPSusing the cables 16 .It is preferable to connect thepriority loads to the outletsmarked 5 and the non-priorityloads to the outlets marked 6 7that can be programmed.For the 9PX 2200I / 3000I models,connect any high-power devicesto the 16 A outlet.To program shutdown of outlets6 7 during operation on batterypower and thus optimisethe available backup time,please check the in/out settings.3. Fit the connection securing system19 that prevents the plugs frombeing pulled out accidentally.Note. The UPS charges the battery as soon as it is connected to the AC-power source, even if theis not pressed.Once the UPS is connected to the AC-power source, eight hours of charging are required before thebattery can supply the rated backup time.UPS Connection without Hotswap MBP Modulesource usingthecable of the protectedequipment.