Eaton 9PX Lithium-Ion User Guide P-164001006—Rev 03 3566..44 RReeppllaacciinngg tthhee UUPPSS EEqquuiippppeedd wwiitthh aa HHoottsswwaapp MMBBPPThe HotSwap MBP module makes itpossible to service or even replacethe UPS without affecting the connectedloads (HotSwap function).Maintenance1. Set switch 33 to Bypass position.The red LED on the HotSwap MBPmodule goes ON, indicating that theload is supplied directly with AC inputsource power.2. Stop the UPS by pressing thebutton on the UPS control panel.LED 31 "UPS ON - OK to switch"goes OFF, the UPS can now bedisconnected and replaced.Return to normal operation1. Check that the UPS is correctlyconnected to the HotSwap MBPmodule.2. Start the UPS by pressing thebutton on the UPS control panel.LED 31 "UPS ON - OK to switch" onthe HotSwap MBP module goes ON(otherwise, there is a connection errorbetween the HotSwap MBP moduleand the UPS).3. Set switch 33 to Normal position.The red LED on the HotSwap MBPmodule goes OFF.1HotSwap MBPLOAD29 30 3331 34 35 361528326 7566..55 RReeccyycclliinngg TThhee UUsseedd EEqquuiippmmeennttContact your local recycling or hazardous waste center for information on proper disposal of the usedequipment.RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK - Observe the warning associated with the risk of electric shock symbol.This symbol indicates that you should not discard the UPS or the UPS batteries in the trash. Thisproduct contains sealed, Lithium-Ion batteries and must be disposed of properly. For more information,contact your local recycling/reuse or hazardous waste center.This symbol indicates that you should not discard waste electrical or electronic equipment (WEEE) inthe trash. For proper disposal, contact your local recycling/reuse or hazardous waste center.Replacing the UPS Equipped with a Hotswap MBP