Access Power Solutions Installation and Operation Guide (APS3-300 Series)86 Copyright © 2007-2012 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved.IPN 997-00012-48D November 2012Step 2 - Remove or replace the ac-dc Earth LinkIgnore this Step if the factory fitted ac-dc earth link is used.There are two options if the ac-dc earth link cannot be retained. Either:If the site surge protection is designed to limit transient ac earth - dc earthvoltages to less than 1500V at the dc power system, then remove the ac-dc earthlink as in Step 1. No further action is required.. APS chassis AC earth link AC earth / communications earth DC common bus Customer dc earth Cabinet bondOr, if the site surge protection is not designed to limit transient ac earth - dcearth voltages to less than 1500V at the dc power system, then replace the ac-dcearth link with a surge protection device. The surge protection device bonds the ac and dc earths during transient activityto prevent damage to the rectifiers. The preferred surge protection device is atransient earth clamp (TEC). APS chassis AC earth link AC earth / communications earth DC common bus Customer dc earth Cabinet bond Transient earth clamp surge protection device The path between ac earth and dc common bus (via the surge protection device) mustbe as short and straight as possible, preferably less than 500mm (20").The transient earth clamp must have the following minimum specifications.Nom. dc Spark-over Voltage 600VImpulse Spark-over Voltage at 1 kV/μs < 1400VNom. Impulse Discharge Current – 8/20μs wave shape 20kAInsulation Resistance at 100V 1010Capacitance < 1.5pF A larger transient earth clamp with a high kA rating must be used if the potentialseverity of a lightning strike is high.Procedure complete