TABLE 4 - MAXIMUM SAFE OPERATING SPEEDSSize (Narrow) Maximum RPM11.5VC500 180014VC500 150016VC600 140020VC6OO 120024VC650 10503 0l3. 5000Size (Narrow) Maximum RPM28VC650 100033VC65035VC650 90037VC650 80042VC650OPERATIONWarning:Exceeding the operating limitsdescribed in this section may result inpersonal injury or equipment damage.Torque, RPM and Pressure LimitsThe developed torque is directly proportionalto the applied air pressure. If the developedtorque seems inadequate, check for oil,grease or dust contamination.Caution:Maximum applied air pressure is 125psig (8.5 bar). Operation at pressuresexceeding 125 psig may result indamage to the element. Consult thefactory if operation at pressuresgreater than 125 psig is desired.Caution:The non-asbestos friction materialused in Airflex VC units may notdevelop rated torque initially, as ashort “wear in” period is required. It isvery important that clutch or brakeoperation be monitored closely toprevent excessive heat generationfrom slippage.Maximum safe operating speeds are shown onTable 4.Danger:Do not exceed the operating speedsshown on Table 4. Operation atspeeds greater than allowable willresult in permanent damage to theelement, personal injury or death.Size (Wide) Maximum RPM14VC1000 180016VC1000 140020VC1000 130024VCl000 125028VC1000 110032VCl000 105038VC1200 740Size (Wide)42VC120046VC120052VC120051VC160060VC160066VC1600Maximum RPM6705505505205204.0 MAINTENANCEWarning:Only qualified personnel should main-- tain and repair these units. Faultyworkmanship may result in personalinjury or equipment damage.Caution:When replacing clutch or brakecomponents, use only genuine,Airflex replacement parts.41l Periodic Inspection4.1.1 The following items may be inspected withoutdisassembly of the element: Friction Shoe Assembly Lining Wear -Check the lining thickness and compare to thevalues shown on Table 5. If the linings haveworn to minimum allowable thickness or less,they must be. replaced as a complete set.Caution:Operation with friction material wornto less than minimum allowable thick-ness will result in damage to thedrum.Note: A wear indicating groove (see figurebelow) is provided on each end of the frictionblock. The maximum wear point, which coin-cides with the values shown on Table 5, is atthe bottom of the groove.IIpsqg\fYjggG Copyright Eaton Corp., 1989. All rights reserved.Revised: July, 1995 (PDF format)