2.15 Figure 7 illustrates a typical marine mainpropulsion application where the clutch ismounted between the engine and reductiongear. In this arrangement, the VC clutch iscombined with a Geislinger* flexible torsionalcoupling.Fig. 72.1.6 Figure 8 illustrates a VC clutch mounting forpunch press applications. The drum anddrum hub are attached to the crankshaft orbackshaft and the element is attached to abearing-supported flywheel or bullgear. VCclutches on punch presses are typically usedin combinantion with Air-flex type CTE and DBAbrakes.2.1.7 Airflex can provide specific drawings coveringthe different mounting arrangements men-tioned. The maintenance of the element as-sembly, tolerances and wear limits of frictionmaterial, and alignment specifications in thismanual apply to all VC applications.2 2. Mounting Considerations2.2.1 For clutch and brake applications, shaft align-ment must be within the tolerances indicatedin the Alignment section of this manual.A! Caution:2.2.2 The element must be protected from con-tamination from oil, grease or excessiveamounts of dust.n! Caution:Oil or grease contamination willresult in a reduction of developedclutch or brake torque. Excessivedust contamination may result inincomplete disengagement. Either ofthese conditions will result in clutchor brake slippage and overheating.n! Caution:All rotating equipment must beguarded to comply with applicablesafety standards.All mounting fasteners must be of the propersize and grade, and torqued to the appropriatevalue. See Table 1.n! Warning:Use only the proper grade andnumber of mounting fasteners. Usingcommercial grade fasteners (Grade 2)in place of Grade 8 fasteners (wherecalled for) may result in failure underload, causing personal injury or equip-ment damage.-Clutch Dand HubOperation with shaft misalignmentexceeding the limits indicated in theAlignment section of this manual willresult in accelerated wear of the ele-ment components. Severe misalign-ment will result in excessive vibration gand/or overheating when disengageddue to dragging of the friction shoes.t-lg. 8Flywheel or-Bullgear5 0 Copyright Eaton Corp., 1989. All rights reserved.vc 5000Revised: July, 1995 (PDF format)