1.0 INTRODUCTIONThroughout this manual there are a number ofHAZARD WARNINGS that must be read andadhered to in order to prevent possible per-sonal injury and/or damage to equipment.Three signal words "DANGER", "WARNING",and "CAUTION" are used to indicate theseverity of a hazard, and are preceded by thesafety alert symbol !A .DANGER - Denotes the most serioushazard, and is used when serious injury ordeath WILL result from misuse or failure tofollow specific instructions.n! WARNING - Used when serious injuryor death MAY result from misuse or failure tofollow specific instructions.n! CAUTION - Used when injury orproduct/equipment damage may result frommisuse or failure to follow specific instructions.It is the responsibility and duty of all personnelinvolved in the installation, operation and main-tenance of the equipment on which this deviceis used to fully understand theP 6AI DANGER,! WARNING, and ! CAUTION proce-dures by which hazards are to be avoided.11. Description1.1.1 The Airflex@ air-actuated VC element assemblyis specifically designed and manufactured forsevere clutch or brake applications on heavyequipment where high starting loads or sus-tained slippage would normally lower clutch orbrake efficiency and reduce operating life.Constricting action and ventilated constructionmake high torque capacity and rapid heatdissipation possible.1.1.2 All Airflex VC element assemblies are suppliedwith long wearing, NON-ASBESTOS frictionmaterial.1 .1 .3 Airflex element assemblies are availablefor drum diameters from 11.5 inches through66 inches. The element size designation indi-cates the nominal drum diameter in inches, theclutch model and the width of the frictionmaterial. For example, size “38VC1200"indicates the element operates on a drumhaving a nominal diameter of 38 inches, is anAirflex “VC” series clutch or brake (the scope’of this manual) and has friction material whichis 12 inches wide.VC 5000Revised: July, 1995 (PDF format)1.1.4 Where diametral space is limited, or the torquerequired is greater than a single element cantransmit, all sizes of Airflex VC elements canbe supplied as dual units.1 It WorksReferring to Figures 1 and 2, the neoprene andcord actuating tube is contained within a steelrim which is drilled for mounting to the drivingcomponent (or reaction bracket in the case ofa VC brake application). As air pressure is ap-plied to the air actuating tube, the tube inflates,forcing the friction shoe assemblies uniformlyagainst the drum which is attached to thedriven component. The friction shoe as-semblies, which consist of friction blocks at-tached to aluminum backing plates, areguided by torque bars which are secured toside plates. In the case where the VC elementis being used as a clutch and is attached tothe driving shaft, the torque flow is from thedriving shaft, through the element mountingcomponent (typically an iron spider), throughthe rim/side plate structure, through the torquebars to the backing plates and friction material,where the torque is transmitted through thefriction couple to the components mountedon the driven shaft (clutch drum and drummounting component). As actuating air isexhausted, release springs and centrifugalforce assure positive disengagement. AdjustmentAirflex VC elements are completely self adjust-ing and automatically compensate for liningand drum wear. Lubrication is not required.The torque developed is dependent uponrotating speed and applied air pressure. Bylimiting the applied pressure, the element willact as a torque limiting device and provideoverload protection.1.3.2 To accomplish regulated or cushioned engage-ment of the element, a flow control valve maybe installed in the element air supply line andadjusted to restrict air flow to the elementwhile allowing free flow away from the elementfor rapid disengagement. By adjusting therestricted flow, the rate of engagement maybe varied. Note that the flow control valvedoes not regulate air pressure - the supplypressure must always be adequate to transmitthe maximum required torque. Refer to theOPERATION section of this manual for airpiping configurations.2 0 Copyright Eaton Corp., 1989. All rights reserved.