I.L. 29-885BPage 12the APM it may appear as if the trip unit does notrespond until the current is well-above the set value,leading the tester to believe there is an error in thetrip unit when there is none. The reason this occursis that the single phase test current is not a goodsimulation of the normal three phase circuit. If threephase current had been flowing, the trip unit wouldactually have performed correctly. Use the APM forcorrect trip unit performance whenever single phasetests are made.Plug in the Auxiliary Power Module (Cat. No. PRTAAPM)to insure control power is available for testing. When theAPM is properly connected the “GREEN” Unit StatusLED will blink on and off about once per second.trip unit will not execute your instructions to Testitself, when the load current exceeds 50% of lr )Place the “Test Amps” selector switch (See Fig. 5)in one of the two “Trip” test settings, i.e., 6T orGFT.Depress the black “Test” pushbutton (See Fig. 5)and release it - the test is initiated when the push-button is released.Should any of the various protection settings beless than the selected “Test Amps” value, the cir-cuit breaker will trip and the LED related to thatfunction will light “RED”.Reset the trip unit by depressing and releasing the“Trip Reset” pushbutton (See Fig. 5). All LEDslighted by the “Trip” test action should turn “OFF”. Not Tripping the BreakerPlace the “Test Amps” selector switch (See Fig. 5)in one of the six “No Trip” test settings, i.e., 1, 2, 3,8, or 10, x ln, or GF.Depress the (Black) “Test” pushbutton and releaseit - the test starts when the pushbutton is released.Should any of the various protection settings beless than the selected “No Trip” test value, then theLED related to that function will turn on signifyingsuccessful completion of the test action. Note: Dur-ing the long delay tests the Long Delay LEDflashes “RED”.Reset the trip unit by depressing and releasing the“Trip Reset” pushbutton. All LEDs lighted by the“No Trip” test action should turn “OFF”.Should an actual overload or fault condition occur duringan in-service, “No Trip Test” sequence, the protectionfunction will override the test function, and the circuitbreaker will trip automatically in accordance with theactual Time-Current settings.Note: The “Trip Reset” pushbutton may bedepressed at any time. However, should a testalready be in progress, the test would be aborted.A test initiated via the integral test panel may be abortedat any time by depressing the “Trip Reset” pushbutton.1.6.0 BATTERY (INSIDE THE RATING PLUG)6.1 GeneralThe battery has no part in the protection function of thetrip unit.As indicated in Figs. 3 and 6, the battery is provided tomaintain the “RED” LED indication of the cause of TRIPin the Digitrip RMS 510 Trip Unit. The battery is located inthe rating plug along with a battery check pushbutton anda green battery check LED.2.3.4. 6.2 Battery CheckThe battery is a long life, lithium photo type unit. The sta-tus of the battery can be checked at any time by depress-ing the battery check pushbutton and observing the“GREEN” LED as shown in Fig. 6. If the battery checkLED does not light “GREEN”, replace the battery. Thecondition of the battery has no effect on the protectionfunction of the trip unit. Even with the battery removed,the unitwill still trip the breaker in accordance with its set-tings. However, without the battery, the cause of TRIPLED will not be lighted “RED”. If the battery is replaced(or if an Auxiliary Power Module is plugged into the tripunit), one or more of the cause of Trip LED’s may be illu-minated. The user should push the red “TRIP RESET”button to turn off the indications, and the trip unit will beready to indicate the next cause of trip.5.4.3 Tripping the BreakerMake sure that the circuit breaker is carrying nocurrent. (See CAUTION notes under Section 5.1.)NOTE: In the event it is decided to perform a“Breaker Trip Test” while load current is flowing,make sure the circuit breaker is carrying no morethan 50% of the Long Delay Current Setting lr . (The1.6.3 Battery ReplacementThe battery can be easily replaced from the front of thetrip unit by lowering the hinged cover of the rating plug asshown in Fig. 6. The battery can then be removed by pull-ing the battery tab as shown in Fig. 6.F:T*N Effective May 1997