I.L. 29-885BPage 147.0 AUXILIARY POWER MODULEThe Auxiliary Power Module or APM (Cat No.PRTAAPM), illustrated in Fig. 7, is an encapsulatedpower supply that requires a 120 Vac input at either 50 or60 Hz. It provides an output of 32 Vdc (nominal 40 Vdcopen circuit) which can be used fortesting a Digitrip RMS510 Trip Unit.When a drawout circuit breaker is equipped with a Dig-itrip RMS 510 Trip Unit, it can be conveniently set andtested while the circuit breaker is out of its cell or in itscell in the “Test”, “Disconnect” or “Withdrawn” positionsby using the Auxiliary Power Module.The Auxiliary Power Module is equipped with a uniqueplug-in connector suitable only for plugging into thekeyed receptacle in the upper right corner of a DigitripRMS Trip Unit as shown in Fig. 1. This prohibits the pos-sible use of an incorrect type power module.ble)and 2) “ ln (Rated I) =” current value.This latter value, (ln) is the basis for the trip unit currentsettings:The Instantaneous and Ground CurrentSettings (if provided) are multiples of (ln)(See Sections 4.6 and 4.8)The Long Delay Current Setting, lr , is amultiple of (ln). Long Delay Current Setting= lr = LD x (ln). (See Section 4.2)The Short Delay Current Setting (if pro-vided) is indirectly dependent upon (ln),because it is a multiple of ln which in turnis a multiple of (ln).Short Delay Current Setting = SD x lr= SD x LD x (ln).1)2)3)(See Section 4.4)Rating Plugs for the Digitrip RMS 510 trip units aremarked for and may be applied on both 50 and 60 Hzsystems.8.0 FRAME RATINGS, (WHERE APPLICABLE,SENSOR RATINGS) AND RATING PLUGSThe Frame Rating of a circuit breaker is the maximumRMS current it can carry continuously. The maximumShort-Circuit Current Rating of the Circuit breaker areusually related to the Frame Rating as well.It is often times desirable to be able to choose a currentvalue (ln), less than the full frame rating, to be the basisfor the coordination of the circuit breaker’s protectionfunctions, without affecting its short-circuit current capa-bility. For the Digitrip 510 trip unit this is implemented bychanging the Rating Plug (and/or Current Sensors,where applicable - See your circuit breaker instructions(listed in Section 9.0 below) to determine if this applies toyour circuit breaker).The (Current) Sensor Rating (where applicable) is themaximum RMS current the circuit breaker can carry withthe specified current sensors installed. The Sensor Rat-ing can be the same or less than the Frame Rating, butnot greater.The Rating Plug (See Fig. 6) fits into a special cavity tocomplete the trip unit (See Fig. 1). Rating plugs have twocurrent ratings listed on their covers (See Fig. 6):the “Must be used with Frame Rated” cur-rent value (or “Sensor Rated”, if applica-CAUTIONBEFORE YOU FIT THE RATING PLUG INTO THE TRIPUNIT, BE SURE TO CHECK THAT THE BREAKERTYPE AND FRAME RATING (OR SENSOR RATING IFAPPLICABLE), MATCH THOSE PRINTED ON THERATING PLUG COVER. INSTALLING A RATINGPLUG THAT DOES NOT MATCH THE BREAKERTYPE AND FRAME RATING (OR SENSOR RATING, IFAPPLICABLE), CAN PRODUCE SERIOUS MISCOOR-DINATION AND/OR FAILURE OF THE PROTECTIONSYSTEM.Complete catalog descriptions of all available ratingplugs are given in the applicable circuit breaker supple-mentary instruction leaflets. (See Section 9)Note: Rating plugs from Digitrip models 500/600/700/800 CAN NOT be used with model 510 trip units. Theconnection pins are located in different positions, sothat one cannot accidentally use the incorrect kind ofplug.1)F:T*N Effective May 1997