218. EDX Series is capable of DC start-up without AC input, panel display beingsimilar to switch-on picture with AC supply. DC switch-on and off are available byfollowing instructions appearing in the pictures:Firstly, activate DC switch-on function set under the bypass mode;Make sure that “+”, “-” and “N” wires of batteries are properly connected to UPS;Switch on batteries;Lightly touch ENTER;Manually conduct switch-on order within about 40s after LCD self-inspection.Remark: UPS will be switched off automatically if there is no operation within 40safter LCD self-inspection is completed!4.2 Parallel UPS operationEDX Series is capable of direct parallel connection, customers can add additionalmachines on line to realise power redundancy. Follow single machine operationinstructions for general operation. After adding new parallel UPS modules to anexisting single UPS, prior to parallel operation customer service engineers mustre-configure the original single UPS to parallel mode through the LCD displaypanel. Then connect the parallel control cables and switch on the UPS inputsin sequence, turn on the system through any of the single machines, then allthe single machines will display “UPS is loading on”, and then switch to inverteroutput.1) Normal switch on: Follow the operationfor single UPS and switch on the machine:2) If parallel operation fails,thefollowing will appear: