29If problems still exist, please contact EATON service and provide the followinginformation:MODEL and SERIAL NO of the UPS:Failure dateDetailed failure description (including LCD malfunction, indicator condition,buzzer information, power and load capacity etc.).Table of MalfunctionsSymptom LCD Display or Possible cause SolutionThe fault LED is lit,periodic beepsOverloaded in bypass orinverter modeRemove some load. Loadinglevel shall be less than thenominal power capacity.Mains out of tolerance Check that the input wiringand input voltage are normalBattery disconnected Check the battery breakerand the battery wiringThe fault LED is lit,continuous beep UPS faultContact EATON customerservice centerBattery dischargingtime less than 1/3 ofinitial discharging timeBattery exhaustedCharger faultLCD panel has nodisplayPress ESC for more than3 secs, or replace LCD iffaulty110224-85870001 80KPlease refer to “Reference Table of LED indicators and LCD display” of this UserManual first and then conduct proper treatment.