This information booklet is published solely forinformation purposes and should not be considered all-inclusive. If further information is required, you shouldconsult EATON.Sale of product shown in this literature is subject toterms and conditions outlined in appropriate EATONselling polices or other cont ractual agreement betweenthe parties. This literature is not intended to and doesnot enlarge or add to any such contract. The solesource governing the rights and remedies of anypurchaser of this equipment is the contract betweenthe purchaser and EATON.NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY,OR WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSE OFDEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE, ARE MADEREGARDING THE INFORMATION,RECOMMENDATIONS AND DESCRIPTIONSCONTAINED HEREIN. In no event will EATON beresponsible to the purchaser or user in contract, in tort(including negligence), strict liability or otherwise forany special, indirect, incidental or consequentialdamage or loss whatsoever, including but not limited todamage or loss of use of equipment, plant or powersystem, cost of capital, loss of power, additionalexpenses in the use of existing power facilities, orclaims against the purchaser or user by its information,recommendations and description contained herein.O & M Manual IM05805023K EATON XTJP / XTJYEffective: June 2012 Jockey Pump Controllers© 2012 Eaton CorporationAll Rights ReservedPrinted in CanadaPublication No.: IM05805023KJune 2012Eaton Corporation10725 - 25th Street NE Unit 124Calgary, Alberta, CanadaT3N 0A4Tel: +1-403-717-2000Fax: +1-403-717-0567email: