POWER WIRING INSTALLATION NOTES032406D164201535---5 11 of 17DESCRIPTION:DATE:DRAWING NO: SHEET:REVISION:Installation InformationA-21EATON Powerware® 9390 UPS (40–80 kVA) Installation and Operation Manual S 164201535 Rev E powerware.com24. If the conductors used for DC input from the battery cabinets to the UPS are thoseprovided by the UPS manufacturer, and the UPS and battery cabinets are manufactured bythe same supplier, then it is acceptable if they do not meet the noted minimum conductorsizes.25. Parallel system UPM and system bypass input feeds must come from the same source.26. Parallel UPM input wiring size requirements and output wiring size requirements from theUPMs to the tie cabinet or distribution panel are the same as listed in Table E throughTable H.27. If the load requires a neutral, a bypass source neutral must be provided. If the load doesnot require a neutral and there is no neutral conductor connected at the bypass input, aneutral to ground bonding jumper must be installed. Install neutral conductors from theUPMs to the common point of connection (tie cabinet), and then install a system neutral toground bonding jumper. If the recommended installation method cannot be accomplished,each UPM should have a separate neutral to ground bonding jumper installed inaccordance with Note 7. DO NOT install both a source neutral and a bonding jumper. SeeTable P through Table S for system neutral bonding jumper wire sizes. Bonding jumpermust be copper wire.C A U T I O NHIGH IMPEDANCE GROUND SOURCES - If the source of supply is a high impedance ground (IT)type, the input neutral conductor must be connected from the source of supply. If there is nooutput neutral connected to the UPS, the neutral-forming transformer kit (PN 103005400) maybe used instead of pulling a neutral from the source. If the load requires a neutral then aninput neutral conductor must be pulled into the UPS. In no circumstances shall a neutral toground bonding jumper be installed in the UPS.C A U T I O NDELTA SOURCES (TN-S) - The Powerware 9390 UPS system can be operated only from a deltasupply source unless that source is fully floating and only if the neutral-forming transformer kit(PN 103005400) is installed in the UPS. The UPS cannot be operated from a mid-point orend-point grounded delta supply source. With this type of supply source, there is no capabilityto provide an output neutral. In no circumstances shall a neutral to ground bondingjumper be installed in the UPS.