S811+ Operating Configuration30 S811+ Soft Starter MN03900001E—November 2012S811+ Operating ConfigurationIntroductionThe S811+ has a wide range of operation and protectionparameters to enable coordinated motor and load protection.Commonly used parameters are directly accessible throughthe Digital Interface Module (DIM).The unit is supplied with default settings that accommodategeneral induction motor applications that provide very basicmotor protection. The user should adjust the parameters totheir specific application.User InterfaceA Digital Interface Module (DIM) is used to configure allmodels of the S811+ Soft Starter.Digital Interface Module (DIM)The Status Bar at the top of the display indicates theoperating and communicating status of the S811+ and DIM.● Motor control status may be;● Stop—Motor stopped.● Run1—Run (Start command) during ramp.● Run2—Jog● Ref—Motor at synchronous speed, internal bypasscontactors closed.● Flt.—Faulted● Warn—Warning● The center of the display shows the value of the selectedS811+ parameter. The default display at power-up is “3 øLine Currents”.● The Alpha Numeric Data Display Area displays system andparameter values.● Three Soft Key Functions at the bottom of the displayindicate the functions of the Soft Keys (pushbuttons)directly below them. The Soft Key Functions will change asyou navigate through the different menus of the DIM.● Soft Keys are used to perform several functions andnavigate through parameter menus. Functionality of thesoft keys change with menu selection.Soft KeysNote: The FAULTS key (left-hand UP arrow key) shown in theDefault Display at power up may be set to JOGfunction with the Local JOG button enable parameterfound in the LCD DIM Setup menu.Status Bar—Connection, ISD WiringConfig., Hand/Auto and Motor ControlStatusAlphanumeric Display—Menu, Data,Parameter Edit DataSoft Key Functions—Functionalityof Soft KeysSoft Keys—Menu NavigationPredefined Keys—Escape,Start, Stop KeysFAULTS RESET A>H = Default Display at power up.PREV NEXT = Menu Navigation selectionsPREV NEXT = Uneditable Parameter NavigationPREV NEXT = Editable Parameter NavigationDEC INC = Adjust or Save Parameter valuePREV NEXT = Fault/Warning NavigationGROUP MEMBER = Network Navigation