Appendix I—Troubleshooting GuideS811+ Soft Starter MN03900001E—November 2012 79S811+ Fault CodesCode Fault Status Condition SolutionNA Fault Warning Impending OL Trip Overload trip is impending. Motor current 120% above FLA parametersetting.1 FirmwareIncompatibility orHardware failure.Fault Trip/FaultWarning/DiableComponent failure on printedcircuit board.Firmware corrupt.Failed unit. Contact EatonCare for service information.3 InternalCommunications.Fault Trip Communications to DSP havebeen interrupted.Possible hardware failure.Firmware is not communicating internally.Cycle 24 Vdc control voltage power to attempt to clear problem.4 Low Control Voltage Fault Trip Low 24 Vdc Control TerminalSupply Voltage.24 Vdc power supply ofInsufficient capacity (less than240 watts)Verify power capacity (amperage) of 24V power supply to closecontactors.Power supply voltage is intermittent and/or drifting. Read value onMonitoring Menu.Verify correct wire size (14 gage minimum) used to connect powersupply to S811+. Inspect for wire damage or corrosion.Check voltage drop between power supply and Terminal “+”.Possible internal hardware failure.Notes:Only voltage at Terminal “+” is monitored for condition that may generate this fault. Inspect control voltage circuit for proper configuration. If the 24 Vdccontrol voltage is lost at Terminal “P” just prior to the voltage loss at Terminal “+”, the soft starter will recognize this condition as a STOP command. Thiscondition would cause a shutdown of the soft starter without logging FC4. Suspect source voltage should be monitored for the appropriate length of timeto determine if the voltage drifts more than 0.1 Vdc from nominal, or if the voltage is intermittent.When selecting a power supply, ensure that the outrush capacity of the power supply meet or exceed 240 watts at 24 Vdc for 100ms, minimum.5 Power Pole OverTemperatureFault TripFault WarningDisableOne or more power poles exceed100°CVentilate to specified maximum temperaturesClear obstructions.Verify fans are operational,Verify system is not exceeding the specified maximum starts per hour.Verify bypass contacts are closing at the end of ramp time.Reduce excessive cabinet temperature.Soft Starter running continuously in JOG mode.Notes:Any power pole temperature in excess of 100°C will cause a fault trip. Observe the temperature values in the Monitoring Menu to verify that they makesense for the application and that they are reasonably close to each other. If one value is significantly higher than the others, the sensor on the powerpole may be suspect. A value significantly lower than the others would indicate a damaged and/or open sensor lead. Note: If the temperature valuesobserved in the Monitoring Menu are all significantly higher than normal, they are very likely indicating an actual over heating condition on the powerpoles and/or the starter in general.The soft starter will attempt to close the bypass contactors at the end of the ramp time, or if the motor is up to synchronous speed for 30 seconds. If thebypass contactors close, then open, then close, etc. several times, the contactor(s) may be failing to seal electrically. A common report of this conditionis “chattering” of the soft starter. After the 30 second time period, the unit will discontinue attempting to close the bypass contactors and will continueto run on the SCRs. At some point in the future, the unit will very likely overheat due to insufficient cooling of the power poles.If the soft starter is run continuously in the JOG mode, the starter will use the normal start parameters, BUT the bypass contactors will not close. Runningcontinuously on the SCRs will generate more heat than can be dissipated by the internal fans, resulting in a over temperature fault trip.6 Phase Loss Fault TripFault WarningDisableLoss of one or more phases Repair broken connection.Replace fuse.Inspect system for phase imbalance conditions.Notes:Phase loss is a severe condition of phase imbalance, even momentarily. In cases of severe imbalance causing nuisance trips, this feature may bedisabled (not recommended) Prior to disabling this protection, adjust the Phase Loss % Trip parameter value (default is 80%) to see if it will improve thecondition. Adjusting the Phase Loss Delay (default is 0.5 seconds) may also improve performance in cases where phase instability is a problem. Phaseperformance should be monitored for an appropriate length of time to ensure that the phase is not dropping just long enough for the soft starter to detectthe condition.