System OperationCopyright © 2008-2011 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved.IPN 997-00012-63C August 2011 27► To set Auxiliary Temperature Shutdown In DCTools go to Control Processes > LVD. Set the Auxiliary Temperature High/Low Thresholds and Hysteresis values as required.See System Alarms on page 31. Set Enable Aux Temp Rectifier Shutdown to Enabled. If using PowerManagerII Groups, then in DCTools go to Analog Inputs. Set AuxiliaryTemperature Group as required. See PowerManagerII online help for details.All rectifiers will now shutdown if the Auxiliary Temperature is out of range.AC Phase VoltagesThe SC100 can display the three ac phase voltages in a three-phase system. The phase voltagesare the average ac voltages measured by one or more rectifiers supplied from each of the threephases.► To assign rectifiers to phases from the SC100 keypad On the SC100 keypad go to: Menu > Identity > Rectifier Identity. Select a rectifier. As each rectifier is selected the Identify function will cause it to flash all its LEDs. Choose Phase, then choose the ac phase that supplies the rectifier (Phase 1, Phase 2, or Phase3). Press Select. Repeat for other rectifiers. For best accuracy assign all rectifiers to the appropriate Phase.► To assign rectifiers to phases in DCTools Connect to the SC100 using DCTools. See details on page 9. In DCTools go to: Rectifiers. Expand the AC Phase Allocations table. Copy the Serial Numbers of registered rectifiers from the Rectifiers table to the Serial Numbercolumn in the AC Phase Allocations table. For each rectifier double click on the entry in the Phase column. Select the ac phase thatsupplies the rectifier (AC Phase 1, AC Phase 2, or AC Phase 3).► To view the phase voltages On the SC100 keypad go to: AC Voltage. See Menu on page 6. In DCTools go to: Analog Inputs. An AC Phase Rectifier Missing alarm is activated if a rectifier assigned to an ac phase is notregistered.Low Voltage Disconnect (LVD)Low Voltage Disconnects may be connected either as load disconnect or battery disconnectdepending on the dc power system model. They have two purposes: to protect a VRLA battery from deep discharge and premature failure, and/or to reduce the load on a battery under discharge so that high priority equipment operatesfor a longer time after an ac supply failure.