14 Tripp Lite by Eaton SmartPro Advanced User Guide 614-40195—Rev 0133..66 CCoonnnneeccttiioonn wwiitthh aa FFlleexxPPDDUU ((PPoowweerr DDiissttrriibbuuttiioonn UUnniitt))The FlexPDU is an optional module. To order, contact your Customer Service Representative.Table 8. FlexPDU Connection Steps1. SmartPro 1500 : Use the power cable of the protected equipment.SmartPro 3000 connect the UPS input socket to the AC powersource using the cable (13) supplied.2. Connect the input socket on the FlexPDU module (40) to the UPSoutlet (3) using the cable (24) supplied. The cable and theconnectors are marked in red.3. Connect the equipment to the outlets (41) on the FlexPDU module.These outlets differ, depending on the version of the FlexPDUmodule.4. Fit the connection securing system that prevents the plugsfrom being pulled out accidentally.33..77 CCoonnnneeccttiioonn wwiitthh aa HHoottSSwwaapp MMBBPP ((MMaaiinntteennaannccee BByyPPaassss))The HotSwap MBP module makes it possible to service or even replace the UPS without affecting theconnected loads (HotSwap function).The HotSwap MBP is an optional module. To order, contact your Customer Service Representative.Table 9. HotSwap MBP Connection Steps1. Connect the input socket (48) on the HotSwap MBP module to theAC power source using the cable (13) supplied.2. Connect the UPS input socket (2) to the “UPS Input” (47) on theHotSwap MBP module, using the cable (26) supplied. This cableand the connector are marked blue.3. Connect the UPS outlet (3) to the “UPS Output” (46) on theHotSwap MBP module, using the cable (26) supplied. This cableand the connector are marked in red.4. Connect the equipment to the outlets (42) on the HotSwap MBPmodule.These outlets differ, depending on the version of the HotSwapMBP module.Do not use UPS outlets (4) to supply equipmentbecause use of switch (45) on the HotSwap MBPmodule would cut supply to the equipment.Installation