Tripp Lite by Eaton SmartPro Advanced User Guide 614-40195—Rev 01 17CChhaapptteerr 44 IInntteerrffaacceess aanndd CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn44..11 CCoonnttrrooll PPaanneellThe screen provides useful information about the UPS itself, load status, events, measurements and settings.Table 11. Control Panel DetailsNORMAL MODELOAD:35% 1050W1. Power ON indicator (green)2. On battery indicator (orange)3. Alarm Indicator (red)4. Escape5. Up6. Down7. Enter8. On/Off buttonThe following table shows the indicator status and description :Table 12. LED Indicator DetailsIndicator Status DescriptionGreen On The UPS is "On" and the load is protected.OrangeOn The UPS is in battery mode and the load is protected.Flashing The battery voltage is below the warning level.Red On The UPS has an active alarm or fault. SeeChapter 7 Troubleshooting for additional information.44..22 LLCCDD DDeessccrriippttiioonnThe LCD screen has 2 lines, each line may show 16 characters maximum. The first line shows UPS mode,which may be standby mode, normal mode, battery mode, backup end mode or fault mode. The second lineshows measures. The backlight LCD automatically dims after 5 minutes of inactivity. Press any button torestore the screen.