24 Tripp Lite by Eaton SmartPro Advanced User Guide 614-40195—Rev 01Table 19. Communication Card Installation StepsInstallation of the communication cardsAccessory Slot: Remove the small cover panel from this slot toinstall optional accessories to remotely monitor and control yourUPS. Refer to your accessory’s manual for installationinstructions. Contact Tripp Lite Customer Support at www.tripplite.com/support for more information, including a list ofavailable SNMP, network management and connectivityproducts.NOTE Select models include a preinstalled networkmanagement card. For these models, refer to themanagement card accessory user manual included withyour UPS for connection, configuration and completeoperating instructions.44..66 UUPPSS RReemmoottee CCoonnttrrooll FFuunnccttiioonnssCCoonnnneeccttiivviittyy ccaarrddssConnectivity cards allow the UPS to communicate in a variety of networking environments and with differenttypes of devices. The SmartPro models have one available communication bay for the following connectivitycard:• Network card (WEBCARDLXE) : Operate any compatible UPS system or PDU as a managed device on yournetwork. Monitor and control the device using an SNMP network management platform, web browser, SSH orTelnet.Figure 7. Network CardPPrrooggrraammmmaabbllee ssiiggnnaall iinnppuuttssThe SmartPro incorporates several programmable signal inputs: one Remote Power Off (RPO) input terminal,one Remote On/Off (ROO) input terminal, one RS-232 input (pin-4).Interfaces and Communication