Tripp Lite by Eaton SmartPro Advanced User Guide 614-40195—Rev 01 29CChhaapptteerr 55 OOppeerraattiioonn55..11 SSttaarrtt--uupp aanndd NNoorrmmaall OOppeerraattiioonnCheck that the indications on the name plate located on the back of the UPS meets to the AC power sourceand the true electrical consumption of the total load.BBaatttteerryy CChhaarrggeeThe UPS charges the battery as soon as it is connected to the AC outlet, whether the ON/OFF button ispressed or not. It is recommended that the UPS be permanently connected to the AC power supply to ensurethe best possible autonomy.To start the UPS:1. Verify that the UPS power cord is plugged in.2. The UPS front panel display illuminates.3. Press the button on the UPS front panel for at least two seconds.4. Check the UPS front panel display for active alarms or notices. Resolve any active alarms beforecontinuing; if the indicator is on, do not proceed until all alarms are clear (seeChapter 7 Troubleshooting ). Check the UPS status from the front panel to view the active alarms. Correctthe alarms and restart if necessary.5. Verify that the indicator illuminates solid, indicating that the UPS is operating normally and any loadsare powered and protected. The UPS should be in Normal mode.55..22 SSttaarrttiinngg tthhee UUPPSS oonn BBaatttteerryyBefore using this feature, the UPS must have been powered by utility power with output enabled at least once.Battery start can be disabled. See the "Cold start" setting in "ON/OFF Settings" in Table 15.To start the UPS on battery:1. When the UPS is disconnected from the AC power source, press the button on the UPS front panel.The UPS transfers from Standby mode to Battery mode. The indicator illuminates solid.The UPS supplies power to your equipment.2. Check the UPS front panel display for active alarms or notices besides the "Battery mode" and relatednotifications that indicates missing utility power. Resolve any active alarms before continuing. SeeChapter 7 Troubleshooting .Check the UPS status from the front panel to view the active alarms. Correct the alarms and restart ifnecessary.55..33 UUPPSS SShhuuttddoowwnnTo shut down the UPS: