About this manual 10/10 MN05003004Z-EN6Abbreviations and symbolsSymbols used in this manual have the following meanings:X indicates instructions to be followedSelect ‹File r New› means: activate the instruction “New” in the“File” menu.For clarity of layout, we adhere to the following conventions in thismanual: at the top of left-hand pages you will find the Chapterheading, at the top of right-hand pages the current Sectionheading; exceptions are the first pages of Chapters and emptypages at the end of Chapters.Additional documentationAt different points in this manual, references are made to moredetailed descriptions in other manuals. These are described withtheir title and documentation number (e.g. MN04802001Z-EN).All manuals are available in PDF format. If for some reason themanual is not supplied on the product CD, it is available fordownload as a PDF file.Go to http://www.eaton.com/moeller a Support and enter thedocument number in the Quick Search field.MWS Menu selector switchBAS Operating mode switchCPU Central processing unitCRC Cyclic redundancy checkMMC Multimedia cardI/O Inputs/outputsAttention!Warns of the risk of material damageCaution!Warns of the possibility of serious damage and slightinjuryWarning!Indicates the risk of major damage to property, or seriousor fatal injury.