Program processing andsystem time10/10 MN05003004Z-EN28SYSLIBCALLBACK.LIB libraryThe SYSLIBCALLBACK.LIB provides defined callback functions foractivation of run-time events (e.g. logon and logoff of the eventfunctions).The description of the library can be found in the programmingsoftware manual (MN05010003Z-EN; previously AWB2700-1437GB) and in the Library/Online help of the programmingsystem.“SysLibSem” libraryThe “SysLibSem” library provides functions to generate and useSemaphore (an enclosed information medium which cant beinterrupted) for the synchronisation of tasks. Semaphore preventssimultaneous access to critical data which is used by multipletasks. If a task accesses a certain area, the mechanism preventsthat other tasks access the same area simultaneously. Only afterthe task authorised for access has ended access, is it possible foranother task to access this area.The description of the functions can be found in the programmingsoftware manual (MN05010003Z-EN; previously AWB2700-1437GB) manual and in the Library/Online help of theprogramming system.“VISU” libraryThe “VISU” library provides functions with which processvisualisation can be implemented in the easySoft-CoDeSys.The description of the “VISU” library can be found in the“Function blocks for easySoft-CoDeSys“ manual(MN05010003Z-EN; previously AWB2786-1456GB) in the“Visualisation modules: VISU.lib” section.XC100_File.lib libraryThe “XC100_File.lib” library provides functions with which theeasySoft-CoDeSys can access the file system of the MultimediaCard “MMC”.The description of the “XC100_File.lib” library can be found in the“Function blocks for easySoft-CoDeSys“ manual(MN05010002Z-EN; previously AWB2786-1456GB) in the“File access block: XC100_File.lib” section.Figure 35: Functions of the “SysLibCallBack.lib”Figure 36: Functions of the “SysLibSem.lib”Figure 37: Functions of the “VISU.lib”Figure 38: Functions of the “XC100_File.lib”