Error variableVariable with the Error or Error Array data type.When this variable has a value of "1", thismeans that there is an error.FFATFile Allocation TableFile Allocation TableFATs are used to define filesystems.FirewallFirewalls are used to prevent outside attemptsto access IP addresses on a private network.In other words, they are used to protect internaldata. When configured correctly, they can alsobe used to set up rules or lists that prevent spe-cific URLs from being requested, e.g., whenthey are in violation of company policy. A fire-wall's main task is to use the information in apacket (the source and destination IPaddresses, as well as the port) to decidewhether the packet should be rejected orallowed to pass. This also prevents packets notmeant for the network from subjecting the net-work to an unnecessary load, as well as pack-ets meant for the private network fromreaching the Internet.FlashNon-volatile memory on CompactFlash card orSD card.FTPFile Transfer ProtocolGGALILEO OPENGALILEO OPEN is a PC-based visualization pro-gram consisting of the Galileo Runtime System(WinGRS) and a communication module.GALILEO Project Inspector (GPI)Program for testing GALILEO projects directlyon a PC. With a few exceptions, all of the HMI'sfunctions can be tested and tried out on a PC.GALILEO Runtime System (GRSThe term "GRS PLC runtime system" refers tothe GRSW sequential programs on HMIdevices. These programs interpret (compile)the data structure generated by the GALILEOcode generation program. GRS2 for WindowsCE devices with an x86 processor. The cor-responding panel must have a parallel port anda PCMCIA card. GRSW3 for all Windows CEdevices with ARM processors.GatewayGateway When two computers on different net-works want to communicate with each other,the networks need to be connected with arouter. For example, surfing on the Internetrequires for packets to be routed from the Inter-net to the network and vice versa. By using asubnet mask, a computer can know whetherthe receiver can be found on its network orwhether it is located outside of it. If it is locatedoutside the network, the computer will send apacket to the router specified with the gatewayIP address.GPIGalileo Project InspectorGRSShort for "Galileo Runtime System"GRS2The term "GRS PLC runtime system" refers tothe GRSW sequential programs on HMIdevices. These programs interpret (compile)the data structure generated by the GALILEOcode generation program. GRS2 for WindowsCE devices with an x86 processor. The cor-responding panel must have a parallel port anda PCMCIA card. GRSW3 for all Windows CEdevices with ARM processors.96 XV300 12/15 MN048017 EN