8 XSTORAGE HOME POWER METERS MANUAL MN700001EN March 2019 www.eaton.com/xstorageThe three phase SFERE DTS1946-DS meter belongs to theSFERE DTS1946 power meter series shown in Figure 12.Figure 12: SFERE DTS1946-DS product overviewFigure 13: SFERE DTS1946-DS display overviewIt enables real-time measurement of voltage, current andpower. These monitored values are shown on the LCD panelat the front (Figure 13).The referenced numbers in Figure 13 identify:1. the LCD display interface;2. the energy pulse indication light;3. the menu navigation keys;4. the model number.Figure 14: SFERE DDS1946-DS product dimensionsFigure 15: DIN rail mounting style overviewFigure 16: Terminal wiring illustration 1The front and side view [mm] dimensions of the meter areas shown below:The DIN rail mount construction enables the power meter to beinstalled in a compact electrical distribution box (Figure 15).During the installation of the power meter, no additionalprotective devices are required. The meter connection terminalsmust be directly connected to the L1, L2, L3 (lines) andN (neutral) wires (Figure 16). L1, L2, L3 and N (left side inthe diagram) is the side connected to the xStorage Homeinverter AC output. The arrow (right side in the diagram) isthe side connected to the grid side.Beside the L1, L2, L3 and N (optional) connections, the powermeter must be connected to the xStorage Home systemvia the RS-485 communication cable (Figure 17), to enablereal-time input of the monitored data into the xStorage Homesystem. This is possible through the RS-485 port. Datasent through this port is utilized by the xStorage Home UIto record the event history and to display the current energyconsumption of both the critical and non-critical loads, as wellas to track the PV-generated energy (as applicable).The general wiring of the power meter is illustrated inFigure 17:• References 58 and 59 identify the RS-485 connectionterminals;• References 47 and 48 identify the pulse terminals(not used for this product).1 2 3 4 5 6 7DTS1946-DS3X220/380V 3X5(100)A 50Hz/60Hz4123SFERE1600imp/kWh4. SFERE DTS1946-DS: Technicalspecifications, installation and wiring PreviousNext |