20FUELINGDANGERExplosion/Fire/Burn Hazard. Gasoline is extremelyflammable. Vapors are explosive. Keep at least 50feet (15 m) away from heat, sparks, open flame, smok-ing materials, static electricity, and all other sources ofignition when fueling unit.Gasoline vapor is heavier than air, and can travel alongthe ground to nearby sources of ignition such as electri-cal motors, pilot lights, and hot or running engines.Vapors ignited by an ignition source can flash back tothe fuel container, resulting in an explosion, fire, seriousor fatal injuries, and extensive property damage.Follow these important safety precautions to minimizerisk of explosion or fire:• ALWAYS use an approved, "no-spill" type fuelcontainer with tight-fitting caps.• ALWAYS follow posted safety instructions for fillingfuel containers at filling stations.• ALWAYS place container to be filled with gasolineon the ground to prevent static build-up duringfilling.• ALWAYS keep the metal filling pump nozzle incontact with the fuel container while dispensing fuelto prevent buildup and discharge of static electric-ity.• NEVER fill fuel container on SUV/truck bed or intrunk of car.• NEVER smoke near fuel.• NEVER allow flames or sparks near fuel.• ALWAYS loosen fuel caps slowly to allow pressurein tanks and containers to escape• ALWAYS use extreme care when mixing, storing,or handling fuel.• NEVER remove tank cap or refuel a unit while theengine is hot or runningFUELINGFill Fuel OutdoorsOpen Fuel Cap Slowly