37Edger Operator in OperatingPositionProhibition - Edger Operationw/Electric Cord on GroundDebris Removal with ScraperWARNINGEdger operation may scatter ground debris thatcan cause unstable or slippery footing, and in-crease the risk of slips and falls. Always maintainproper footing and balance while operating edger.Stop unit if necessary, and remove excessivedebris from work path before continuing.• ALWAYS maintain control using a secure, wrap-around, two-handed grip when operating the poweredger. If the edger strikes a buried object, it maykick up and out of the edging cut forcefully, causingserious injury.• NEVER operate with unit on left side of operator.Use only on right side of body to keep operator outof edger debris flow.• ALWAYS maintain a stable, balanced stance, anduse extra care when walking on uneven, slippery, orsloping surfaces.• ALWAYS use extreme care when walking on wetsurfaces. Wet surfaces reduce traction, and in-crease the risk of slips and falls.• ALWAYS be aware of ground and walkway condi-tions in the work area, and be prepared to maintainbalance and footing when conditions change.• ALWAYS check edging area for all potential haz-ards before edging, and remove objects that can bethrown or cause kick-out.• NEVER edge where the cut line passes directlyover buried hazards such as sprinkler pipes, electricwiring, gas lines, or other similar hazards.• NEVER operate edger in any area where electricextension cords are on the ground.• NEVER use edger in gravel, rocky soil, or in areaswith hard ground cover such as decorative rocks.• NEVER attempt to clear debris build-up from debrisshield by tapping shield against the ground.ALWAYS shut engine off, wait for blade to stop, anddisconnect spark plug wire. Remove debris with asmall non-scratching scraper. Wear gloves toprotect hands from contact with sharp edges and hotsurfaces.OPERATIONENGINEOFF