31WARNING SERVICING TO BE CARRIED OUT ONLY BY AN AUTHORISED PERSONDisconnect from electricity before servicing. Check appliance is safe when you have finished.Servicing NotesThis appliance must be serviced by a Authorised Person inaccordance with the instructions.When servicing or replacing gas carrying componentsdisconnect from gas before commencing operation andcheck appliance is gas sound after completion. Whenchecking for gas leaks use a liquid leak detector at all jointsand connections to check for leaks in the system. Use aproduct specifically manufactured for leak detection.Leak testing of the appliance shall be conducted inaccordance to the manufacturer’s instructions.CAUTION: DO NOT USE A FLAME TO CHECK FORGAS LEAKS.Do not use re-conditioned or unauthorised gas controls.Disconnect from electricity supply before commencingservicing, particularly before removing any of the following:control panel, side panels, cooktop tray, or any of theelectrical components or cover boxes. Before electricalreconnection check that the appliance is electrically safe.1 To Remove the Control PanelDisconnect from electricity supply.Classic model onlyRemove the handrail by removing the 2 end bracketfi xing screws.Pull off the push fit control panel end caps at each endand remove the end fixing screws under the end cap.Open the oven door & or grill door and remove the fi xingscrews underneath the control panel. NB some models havea plate under the control panel held in place by the bottomfi xing screws.Pull off all the control knobs.Other modelsSlide the control panel to the right.Pull the control panel forward. Take care not to damage orstrain the wiring.Disconnect the wiring from the rear. Reassemble in reverseorder. When replacing leads refer to the wiring diagram.Check operation of timer.2. To Remove Hotplate TraysDisconnect from electricity supply.Pull the cooker forward to gain access to the rearLeft hand trayFrom the rear remove the screws securing the fluegrille to the hotplate tray. Remove pan supports,burner heads and caps. Remove the 4 screws andwashers holding the hotplate tray to the frame.Raise the front of the hotplate then withdraw.Right hand trayFrom the rear remove the screws securing the fluegrille to the hotplate tray. If the LH hotplate hasnot been removed, slacken the screws holdingthe L H tray. Remove pan support, burner head,caps and trim rings. Remove the screws holdingthe Wok burner to the hotplate. Remove thetwo screws and washers holding the RH tray tothe frame. Press the Wok burner down slightlyand, taking care not to damage the Wok burnerelectrode, slide the tray about 30mm to right toclear the locating brackets on the R H side. Lift trayslightly at the front and taking care not to stressthe Warmer/lead junction, disconnect the leadsto the Warmer neon and separate the leads at thepiggybacks. Withdraw the hotplate.Reassemble in reverse order ensuring that the leads arereconnected. When replacing the RH hotplate take care notto damage the ignition electrode of the Wok burner.It is important that the rear fixing screws are refitted as theyfrom part of the cooker earthing.On some models there is a separate plate.A fl ue grill, B cooker backsheet, C earthing/fi xing screwsOn others it is a tag on the cooker backsheet.It is important that the tag is on the outside and that bothfi xing screws are fitted.A fl ue grill, B cooker backsheet, C earthing/fi xing screwsCheck for correct burner operation.