6-12239 Motor Protection RelayGE Multilin6 239PC SOFTWARE 6 239PC SOFTWARE602'(/,1)250$7,21, respectively. Also, select any MODs included with the relay. Click OK whenfinished.5. Select Send Info to Relay from the File menu to load the setpoints file into the 239 relay. If newsetpoints were added to the upgrade software, they will be set to the factory defaults.6. Upon successful completion of this procedure, the relay will have new firmware installed with theoriginal setpoints.6.8 USING 239PCa) ENTERING SETPOINTSAll the 239 setpoints can be modified with 239PC. Setpoints pages S1 through S5 are availablethrough the Setpoints menu.For example, to change the value for setpoint 66<67(06(78302725'$7$?29(5/2$'3,&.83,1+,%,7,choose the System Setup item from the Setpoints menu. This launches the 6(732,176<67(06(783dialog box. Each subgroup (in this case, CT Inputs and Motor Data) are represented by folder tabs.Click the Motor Data tab to list the 66<67(06(78302725'$7$ setpoints.To change the 29(5/2$'3,&.83,1+,%,7 setpoint, use the s and t buttons to choose an appropriatevalue and click Store to load into the relay.All 239 setpoints can be changed in a similar manner.b) ACTUAL VALUESIf a 239 is connected to a PC via the serial port, any measured value, status and last trip data can bedisplayed. Use the Actual pull-down menu to select various measured value screens. Monitored val-ues will be displayed and continuously updated.