GE Multilin239 Motor Protection Relay4-54 PROGRAMMING 4 PROGRAMMING4• DEFAULT MESSAGE BRIGHTNESS: The brightness of the displayed messages can be variedwith this setpoint. The brightness set by this setpoint will be used when the default messages arebeing displayed. The brightness defaults back to 100% when:• trip is present• alarm is present• any one of the keys on the 239 keypad is pressed• the 239 is turned off and onWhen 6 6(783?35()(5(1&(6?'()$8/7 0(66$*( 7,0( is set to 2)), the brightness will adjust toset level after 5 minutes have elapsed since the 239 keys were last pressed. The 239 statusmust also be NORMAL to display the set brightness. If no default message is programmed, thedisplay brightness will adjust to the set level after the programmed time in message 6 6(783?35()(5(1&(6?'()$8/70(66$*(7,0( has elapsed.NOTE: Message brightness control is available only with the VFD display option.• BLOCK KEYPAD TRIP RESETS: This feature blocks any attempts made to reset the presenttrip using theRESET key on the 239 keypad. When this feature is enabled and a trip is present,pressing theRESET key will display the following flash message for 3 seconds.This feature is applicable to trips only. The function of the key in other areas (i.e. resetalarms, remove default messages, etc.) is not affected.• OVERLOAD PICKUP DISPLAY ENABLE: When an overload pickup has occurred, this setpointdetermines whether the 239 front display panel is automatically updated with the time to overloadtrip. When this setpoint is programmed to 12, an overload pickup will have no effect on the dis-play. The pickup LED indicator and overload protection are not affected by this setpoint.b) ANALOG OUTPUT• ANALOG OUTPUT TYPE: If the relay is to be used in conjunction with programmable control-lers, automated equipment, or a chart recorder the analog output can be used for continuousmonitoring. Choose from one of the following parameters for output: 7+(50$/&$3$&,7<, $9(5$*(3+$6($036, 02725/2$' (phase current as a percentage of full load), or 57'7(03(5$785(.Although a single parameter can be selected for continuous analog output, all values are avail-able digitally through the communications interface. See Section 2.3h) ANALOG OUTPUT(OPTION) (18/19/20) on page 2–11 for a description of current output scaling. Applicationsinclude using a computer to automatically shed loads as the motor current increases by monitor-ing current as a percentage of full load current or a chart recorder to plot the loading of a motor ina particular process.• ANALOG OUTPUT RANGE: In processes where the motor loads are varied and operated atnear the motor full load such as in grinding or in conveyor systems it is useful to know how closethe relay is to tripping so the load may be adjusted accordingly. The analog output can be con-nected to a remote meter, which is available and calibrated from 0 to 100% of motor capacityused. Select thermal capacity 0$ (0 mA = 0%, 1 mA = 100% i.e. motor tripped) for use withthe 0-1 mA range meter model TCS2 scaled in units of thermal capacity used and available fromGE Multilin. This meter would be situated near the operator and connected to the relay. Themeter indicates how much the memory has charged corresponding to heat buildup in the motor.When the relay is about to trip, the meter will approach 100% capacity used. After a trip, theRESET NOT POSSIBLEKEYPAD RESET BLOCKEDRESET