CG104 369 MOTOR MANAGEMENT RELAY – COMMUNICATIONS GUIDEMEMORY MAP CGCOMMUNICATIONS GUIDEF1832 bitsDATE (MM/DD/YYYY)Example: Feb. 20, 1995 stored as 34867142 (i.e. 1st word: 0214, 2nd word07C6)1st byte Month (1 to 12)2nd byte Day (1 to 31)3rd and 4th byte Year (1998 to 2097)F1932 bits TIME (HH:MM:SS:hh)Example: 2:05pm stored as 235208704 (i.e. 1st word: 0E05, 2nd word 0000)1st byte Hours (0 to 23)2nd byte Minutes (0 to 59)3rd byte Seconds (0 to 59)4th byte Hundreds of seconds (0 to 99) - Not used by 369F20 16 bits 2’s COMPLEMENT SIGNED LONG VALUEExample: 1234 stored as 1234. Note: -1 means “Never”F2116 bits 2’s COMPLEMENT SIGNED VALUE, 2 DECIMAL PLACES (Power Factor)Example: Power Factor of 0.87 lag is used as 87 (i.e. 0057)< 0 Leading Power Factor - Negative> 0 Lagging Power Factor - PositiveF2216 bits TWO 8-BIT CHARACTERS PACKED INTO 16-BIT UNSIGNEDExample: String "AB" stored as 4142 hex.MSB First CharacterLSB Second CharacterF23 16 BitsUNSIGNED VALUE (For 1A/5 A CT, 1Decimal Place) (For 50: 0.025 A CT, 2Decimal Places)Example: For 1A/5A CT, G/F current = 1000.0 AExample: For 50: 0.025 A CT, G/F current = 25.00F2616 Bits ANALOG OUTPUT SELECTION0 0 - 1mA1 0 - 20 mA2 4 - 20 mAF2716 Bits BACKSPIN DETECTION STATE0 Motor Running1 No Backspin2 Slowdown3 Acceleration4 ---5 Backspinning6 Prediction7 Soon to RestartTable CG–11: Memory Map Data Formats (Sheet 2 of 27)CODE TYPE DEFINITION