CGCOMMUNICATIONS GUIDE DEVICENET PROTOCOL369 MOTOR MANAGEMENT RELAY – COMMUNICATIONS GUIDE CG23User-Defined Poll DataThe user can also define exactly which data will be provided and the order in which thatdata is given. The Modbus User Definable Memory Map area (refer to Section 9.6.2: UserDefinable Memory Map Area on page 9–34) and the “User-Defined Data Size” setpoint areused to define this data and data size. The “User-Defined Data Size” setpoint determinesthe number of 16-bit registers available to be read through DeviceNet Poll Input Data andthe Modbus User Definable Memory Map is used to determine the data provided and theorder of the data.For example, if the user only wishes to read two 16-bit registers of data (4 bytes), the usersets the “DeviceNet Input Poll Data Group” setpoint to “User-Defined” and then programs avalue of ‘2’ for the “User-Defined Data Size” setpoint. When the DeviceNet master readsthe Poll Input data, 4 bytes of Input data will be read.Note that the Explicit message data provided both via Class 04, Instance 64h, Attribute 03and Class A0h, Instance 01, Attribute 01 will match the the Poll data configuration.4.3 Change of State (COS)The COS data is described under class 4, instance 66h, attribute 3. The following data isprovided:4.4 Identity Object (class code 01h)Identity object, Class code 01h, Services.17 Digital Input Status - Access Switch,Speed Switch, Spare Switch, DifferentialSwitch, Emergency Switch, Reset Switch1 - F173 018 Digital Output Status - Trip Relay, AlarmRelay, Aux Relay 1, Aux Relay 21 - F174 0Table CG–9: Poll Data Group 2Byte Description Length Units Format DefaultByte Description Length Units Format Default1 Motor Status 1 - F172 02 Digital Input Status 1 - F173 03 Digital Output Status 1 - F174 04 Flag Change State 1 - F175 0CODE SERVICES AVAILABLE TO THIS OBJECTNAME DESCRIPTION0x05 Reset Reset the device to power up configuration0x0E Get_Attribute_Single Returns the contents of the given attribute