CG72 369 MOTOR MANAGEMENT RELAY – COMMUNICATIONS GUIDEMEMORY MAP CGCOMMUNICATIONS GUIDE1C24 Reverse Power Alarm Delay 5 300 1 s F2 11C25 Reverse Power Alarm Events 0 1 1 - F103 01C26 Reverse Power Trip 0 2 1 - F115 01C27 Assign Trip Relays 0 7 1 - F111 11C28 Reverse Power Trip Level 1 25000 1 kW F1 11C29 Reverse Power Trip Delay 5 300 1 s F2 1... ReservedENHANCED MOTOR LEARNED DATA1C70 Number of Starts to Average 1 5 1 - F1 51C71 Access Learned Data Record Number 0 65535 1 - F1 0TRIP COUNTER1C80 Trip Counter Alarm 0 2 1 - F115 01C81 Assign Alarm Relays 0 7 1 - F113 11C82 Alarm Pickup Level 0 50000 1 - F1 251C83 Trip Counter Alarm Events 0 1 1 - F103 0... ReservedSTARTER FAILURE1C90 Starter Failure Alarm 0 2 1 - F115 01C91 Starter Type 0 1 1 - F125 01C92 Assign Alarm Relays 0 7 1 - F113 11C93 Starter Failure Delay 10 1000 10 ms F1 1001C94 Starter Failure Alarm Events 0 1 1 - F103 0... ReservedCURRENT DEMAND1CD0 Current Demand Period 5 90 1 min F1 151CD1 Current Demand Alarm 0 2 1 - F115 01CD2 Assign Alarm Relays 0 7 1 - F113 11CD3 Current Demand Alarm Limit 0 65000 1 A F1 1001CD5 Current Demand Alarm Events 0 1 1 - F103 0... ReservedKW DEMAND1CE0 kW Demand Period 5 90 1 min F1 151CE1 kW Demand Alarm 0 2 1 - F115 01CE2 Assign Alarm Relays 0 7 1 - F113 11CE3 kW Demand Alarm Limit 1 50000 1 kW F1 1001CE4 kW Demand Alarm Events 0 1 1 - F103 0... ReservedKVAR DEMAND1CF0 kvar Demand Period 5 90 1 min F1 151CF1 kvar Demand Alarm 0 2 1 - F115 01CF2 Assign Alarm Relays 0 7 1 - F113 11CF3 kvar Demand Alarm Limit 1 50000 1 kvar F1 1001CF4 kvar Demand Alarm Events 0 1 1 - F103 0... ReservedKVA DEMAND1D00 kVA Demand Period 5 90 1 min F1 151D01 kVA Demand Alarm 0 2 1 - F115 01D02 Assign Alarm Relays 0 7 1 - F113 11D03 kVA Demand Alarm Limit 1 50000 1 kVA F1 1001D04 kVA Demand Alarm Events 0 1 1 - F103 0... ReservedSELF-TEST RELAY1D06 Assign Service Relay 0 7 1 - F113 0... ReservedANALOG OUTPUTS1D40 Enable Analog Output 1 0 1 1 - F103 01D41 Assign Analog Output 1 Output Range 0 2 1 - F26 01D42 Assign Analog Output 1 Parameter 0 35 1 - F127 01D43 Analog Output 1 Minimum TBD TBD 1 - F1 0Table CG–10: MEMORY MAP (Sheet 27 of 57)ADDR(hex)DESCRIPTION MIN. MAX. STEPVALUEUNITS FORMATCODEFACTORYDEFAULT