6.2.1 Modbus TCPEN-40 MODBUS TCP StatusRange: Function:[0][1]Read only. Displays the Modbus TCP- specific 16-bit Status word.Bit Description Bit = [0] Bit =[1]0 Link Status port1Disconnected Connected1 Link Status port2Disconnected Connected2 Link speed 0/10 Mbps 100 Mbps3 Link Duplex Half Full4 Port 502 com-municationNo Yes5 UNUSED - -6 Valid IP address No Yes7 Modbus time-out (30 s)No Yes8 Duplicate IP No Yes9 Register 7 error No Yes10 FTP server Disabled Enabled11 HTTP server Disabled Enabled12 SMTP service Disabled Enabled13 Cable diagnosis Disabled Enabled14 Auto crossover Disabled Enabled15 IGMP snooping Disabled EnabledEN-41 Slave Message CountOption: Function:Read only.Displays the number of Modbus messages received and processed by the slave.EN-42 Slave ExceptionOption: Function:Read only.Displays the number of Modbus messages for which the slave has sent an exception response.EN-80 FTP ServerOption: Function:[0] * Disable Disables the built-in FTP server.[1] Enable Enables the built-in FTP server.EN-81 HTTP ServerOption: Function:[0] * Disable Disables the build-in HTTP (web) server.[1] Enable Enables the build-in HTTP (web) server.Modbus TCP406