10Regenerant Draw ValueParameter P7 is used by the control to calculate theregenerant draw time. The default value of 25 wasselected for a “B” injector with low water pressure or an “A”injector with moderate water pressure. If this does notmatch your installation, press the SET button and enter anew value. Refer to Table 4 for the correct value. Find theinjector used in the Performa valve. The injector cap islabeled with the injector letter and the injector is colorcoded for easy identification. Next, determine the typicalwater pressure for this installation. The Regenerant DrawValue is an estimate of the flow rate of regenerant throughthe injector. This rate varies with water pressure andinjector type as shown in Table 4. The control calculatesthe regenerant draw time using this value and the saltamount. The regenerant draw time is added to the RinseTime (P10) to determine the total Regenerant Draw/SlowRinse Time.• This control does not use Parameter P8. No entry isneeded for this parameter.• Parameter P12 selects the units of measure. Be surethat this is set to the correct value before entering anydata for Parameters P3, P4 or P5.• Parameter P13 selects the clock display mode. If the12-hour mode is selected, a PM indicator is used. If the24-hour mode is selected, the PM indicator is not used.• Parameter P15 has four allowable values. Values 0 or1 will cause the control to wait for Parameter P2, timeof day of regeneration, to begin the regeneration.Values 2 or 3 will cause the control to start theregeneration as soon as the capacity is exhausted.• When Parameter P15 selects a variable reserve type,0 or 2, Parameter P16 is used to calculate the initialseven average daily water usage values. The controlmultiplies the total capacity by the percentageentered for Parameter P16 and uses that value as theinitial average daily usage for each day of the weekuntil water usage establishes new averages.• Parameter 17 has several allowable values, however,many are reserved for future options andthus should not be used. Improper regenerations willoccur if P17 is not set to 2.• Parameter P18 allows the installer to lock the SaltAmount and Capacity values so they cannot bechanged. When Parameter 18 is set to 1, those twosettings can only be viewed when the control is in theLevel II mode. The settings will be skipped when thecontrol is in the Level I mode. When Parameter 18 isset to zero, the Salt Amount and Capacity can beviewed and changed in either Level I or Level II.• Parameter P19 is used at the factory to enter defaultvalues. This parameter does not need to be changed.Changing this parameter will erase the values for allother parameters and replace them with defaultvalues.Manual RegenerationElectricity is used only to run the timer and to rotate thecamshaft. All other functions are operated by waterpressure. Therefore, in the event of a power outage, allregeneration positions may be dialed manually. Manualregeneration can be accomplished by removing the coverand turning the camshaft COUNTERCLOCKWISE to eachregeneration cycle. Rotating the camshaftCOUNTERCLOCKWISE by hand changes the cycles ofoperation. Each cycle position can be identified by viewingthe cycle indicator on the front of the control. The followingcycle times should be used for proper regeneration:BACKWASH—14 minutesRegenerant/SLOW RINSE—52 minutesFAST RINSE/REFILL—10 minutesPURGE—6 minutesDo not exceed 10 minutes for the FAST RINSE/REFILLcycle as this will cause excessive salt usage during thenext regeneration and possibly a salt residue in thesoftened water.Guest CycleTo force the control to perform a regeneration, press theREGEN button (Figure 6). This button is located on the frontof the control. When you press the REGEN button, thecontrol performs a full regeneration of the conditioner.If you press this button again more than one minuteafter regeneration begins, but before the regenerationis complete, a second regeneration will start when thefirst regeneration is finished. The display will freeze andonly show the Regen Time Remaining as an indication thatthe second regeneration will be performed. When the firstregeneration is complete, the second one will begin andthe display will alternate between Time of Day and RegenTime Remaining.Table 4 - Regenerant Draw ValueInjector ColorRegenerantDraw Valueat30 psiRegenerantDraw Valueat50 psiRegenerantDraw Valueat 70 psiA White 19 26 31B Blue 24 30 37C Red 29 37 40D Green 32 48 60