7Time of RegenerationThe next value displayed is the Time of Regeneration. Ithas a default value of 2:00 a.m. If this is not acceptable,press the SET button and change the number. Press theSET button to enter the value. If 2:00 a.m. is acceptable,press the down arrow (↓) button.HardnessHardness is the next value displayed. This value is thewater hardness expressed in grains per gallon (milligramsper liter). The default value is 10 grains/gallon (100 mg/L).If this is not acceptable, press the SET button and enter anew value. Any value between 3 and 250 grains per gallon(30 and2500 milligrams per liter) is allowed. Press the SETbutton to enter the new value.Salt AmountSalt Amount is the next value displayed. The default valuefor Salt Amount is 6 pounds (2.7 kilograms) of salt; refer toTable 2 for suggested salt settings.Note: This is the total amount of salt for a regeneration, notpounds per cubic foot. If 6 pounds is not acceptable, pressthe SET button and change the numbers. If 6 pounds isacceptable, press the down arrow (↓) button.CapacityCapacity is the next value displayed and is expressed inkilograins (kilograms). Refer to Table 2 for the capacitysetting that corresponds to the resin bed volume and saltamount. The default value is 1.0 kilograin (0.1 kilogram). Ifthis is not acceptable, press the SET button and enter anew value. Any value between 0.1 and 140 kilograins (.01and 14.00 kilograms) is allowed.Note: If the calculation for the system capacity exceeds9999 gallons (99.99 cubic meters) (P5, Capacity, divided byP3, Hardness,) the control will display 9999 (99.99) forcapacity until the water usage has dropped the remainingcapacity below that number. When water is flowingthrough the system, the colon in the Time of Day displaywill blink.At this time, all of the mandatory parameters are filled andthe control is ready for operation. To further increase theefficiency of the system see P6 and P7 in the Level IIParameters Section. The display will alternate between theTime of Day and Capacity if no keys are pressed for30 seconds. The Capacity value is the volume remaining ingallons (cubic meters for metric) before a regeneration isneeded.Verify proper power outage operation by briefly removingpower to the control. The unit will beep and show the timeof day when power is turned on.If you wish to fine-tune the operation of this control, referto Tables 1 and 3 for details concerning allowable values,defaults, and parameter descriptions. The programmingprocedure is the same for all of these parameters.Table 1 - Level I Programming ParametersParameter Range of Values MinimumIncrements Default Units ofMeasure NotesName DescriptionP1 Time of dayAM or PM1:00 to 12:5900:00 to 23:59 1 None Hour:minuteRange depends on valueselected for P13. Enter thecurrent time.P2 Time of day ofregeneration1:00 to 12:59AM or PM00:00 to 23:591 2:00 AM Hour:minuteRange depends on valueselected for P13. Skip thisparameter to accept the defaultor enter a new time.P3 Hardness ofwater3 to 25030 to 250011010100Grains/gallonmg/LUnit of measure depends onvalue selected for P12. Testwater hardness and enter thatvalue.P4 Salt amount 0.2 to 510.1 to of measure and defaultdepends on value selected forP12. Refer to Table 2.P5 Capacity of unit 0.1 to 140.00.01 to of measure depends onvalue selected for P12. Enter theunit capacity.