11Automatic RegenerationThere are two ways to have the control automatically starta regeneration: calendar override or having the controlmonitor the water usage.Calendar OverrideThis feature is set in Parameter P14. It can be set for one to30 days. If it is set to zero, this feature is disabled. Whenthis feature is active, the control keeps track of the numberof days since the last regeneration and when that numberequals the value set in P14, a regeneration is automaticallystarted at the Time of Regeneration set in P2.Control Monitors the Water UsageThe control compares the water usage to the calculatedvolume capacity of the system. The control uses theCapacity Parameter P5 divided by the HardnessParameter P3 to calculate the volume capacity of thesystem. It also uses a reserve value to determine if aregeneration is necessary. If the water usage since the lastregeneration is greater than the system capacity minusthe reserve, a regeneration is needed.Note: If the water usage exceeds 150% of the systemcapacity between regenerations, the control willautomatically call for a second regeneration the next dayeven if no water is used. This feature is included to makesure that an exhausted resin bed is completely recharged.Reserve OptionsThere are two types of reserve options for this control:fixed reserve and historical water usage pattern. They areselected with Parameter P15.Fixed ReserveWhen the fixed reserve is selected, the control multipliesthe maximum system capacity by the percent value set inParameter P16 and uses the result as a reserve.Water Usage PatternThe other reserve option allows the control to adjust thereserve based upon the historical water usage pattern ofthe system. The control keeps track of the water usage foreach day of the week and uses that day’s average usagemultiplied by 1.2 as the reserve for that day. Every day atthe Time of Regeneration, the control recalculates theday’s average water usage. If less than 10% of a day’saverage water usage is used, the control will not changethe day’s average. If more than twice the day’s average isused, the control uses the actual usage in the reservecalculation.Since a new installation has no history of water usage, thecontrol multiplies the percent of capacity value set inParameter P16 by the total system capacity to determinestarting average for each day of the week. The factory setdefault value for P16 is 30 which means that 30% of thetotal system capacity is used for the starting average foreach day.Program Parameter P15 is also used to select whether thecontrol waits until the Time of Regeneration set inParameter P2 to start a regeneration, or if the controlshould begin a regeneration immediately when thecapacity remaining is less than the reserve.