10-2 B90 Low Impedance Bus Differential System GE Multilin10.1 OVERVIEW 10 APPLICATION OF SETTINGS10The following table shows the assumed short circuit contributions of the connected circuits and their DC time constants.The basic CT data is presented in the table below. The magnetizing characteristics of the three different types of CTs usedin this example are shown in the following figure.Figure 10–2: APPROXIMATE CT MAGNETIZING CHARACTERISTICSTable 10–1: BASIC FAULT DATA OF THE CONNECTED CIRCUITCIRCUIT I FAULT (KA) T DC (MS)C-1 0.00 N/AC-2 0.00 N/AC-3 6.00 5C-4 5.00 30C-5 3.00 40Table 10–2: BASIC CT DATACT RATIO V SAT (V) RCTSEC (Ω) LEADS (M)CT-1 600:5 144 0.34 210CT-2 600:5 144 0.34 205CT-3 1200:5 288 0.64 200CT-4 1000:5 240 0.54 200CT-5, CT-6 1000:5 240 0.54 180CT-7, CT-8 1200:5 288 0.64 200836732A4.CDR