GE Multilin B90 Low Impedance Bus Differential System 2-132 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 2.2 SPECIFICATIONS22.2.2 USER-PROGRAMMABLE ELEMENTSFLEXLOGIC™Programming language: Reverse Polish Notation with graphicalvisualization (keypad programmable)Lines of code: 512Internal variables: 64Supported operations: NOT, XOR, OR (2 to 16 inputs), AND (2to 16 inputs), NOR (2 to 16 inputs),NAND (2 to 16 inputs), latch (reset-domi-nant), edge detectors, timersInputs: any logical variable, contact, or virtualinputNumber of timers: 32Pickup delay: 0 to 60000 (ms, sec., min.) in steps of 1Dropout delay: 0 to 60000 (ms, sec., min.) in steps of 1FLEXCURVES™Number: 4 (A through D)Reset points: 40 (0 through 1 of pickup)Operate points: 80 (1 through 20 of pickup)Time delay: 0 to 65535 ms in steps of 1FLEX STATESNumber: up to 256 logical variables groupedunder 16 Modbus addressesProgrammability: any logical variable, contact, or virtualinputNON-VOLATILE LATCHESType: set-dominant or reset-dominantNumber: 16 (individually programmed)Output: stored in non-volatile memoryExecution sequence: as input prior to protection, control, andFlexLogic™USER-PROGRAMMABLE LEDsNumber: 48 plus trip and alarmProgrammability: from any logical variable, contact, or vir-tual inputReset mode: self-reset or latchedLED TESTInitiation: from any digital input or user-program-mable conditionNumber of tests: 3, interruptible at any timeDuration of full test: approximately 3 minutesTest sequence 1: all LEDs onTest sequence 2: all LEDs off, one LED at a time on for 1 sTest sequence 3: all LEDs on, one LED at a time off for 1 sUSER-DEFINABLE DISPLAYSNumber of displays: 16Lines of display: 2 × 20 alphanumeric charactersParameters: up to 5, any Modbus register addressesInvoking and scrolling: keypad, or any user-programmable con-dition, including pushbuttonsCONTROL PUSHBUTTONSNumber of pushbuttons: 7Operation: drive FlexLogic™ operandsUSER-PROGRAMMABLE PUSHBUTTONS (OPTIONAL)Number of pushbuttons: 12 (standard faceplate);16 (enhanced faceplate)Mode: self-reset, latchedDisplay message: 2 lines of 20 characters eachDrop-out timer: 0.00 to 60.00 s in steps of 0.05Autoreset timer: 0.2 to 600.0 s in steps of 0.1Hold timer: 0.0 to 10.0 s in steps of 0.1DIGITAL ELEMENTSNumber of elements: 48Operating signal: any FlexLogic™ operandPickup delay: 0.000 to 999999.999 s in steps of 0.001Dropout delay: 0.000 to 999999.999 s in steps of 0.001Timing accuracy: ±3% or ±4 ms, whichever is greater2.2.3 MONITORINGOSCILLOGRAPHYMaximum records: 64Sampling rate: 64 samples per power cycleTriggers: any element pickup, dropout, or operate;digital input change of state; digital out-put change of state; FlexLogic™ equa-tionData: AC input channels; element state; digitalinput state; digital output stateData storage: in non-volatile memoryEVENT RECORDERCapacity: 1024 eventsTime-tag: to 1 microsecondTriggers: any element pickup, dropout, or operate;digital input change of state; digital out-put change of state; self-test eventsData storage: in non-volatile memoryUSER-PROGRAMMABLE FAULT REPORTNumber of elements: 2Pre-fault trigger: any FlexLogic™ operandFault trigger: any FlexLogic™ operandRecorder quantities: 32 (any FlexAnalog value)