5-208 D30 Line Distance Protection System GE Multilin5.7 CONTROL ELEMENTS 5 SETTINGS5Assume the output contact H1 is a trip contact. Using the contact output settings, this output will be given an ID name; forexample, “Cont Op 1". Assume a 52a breaker auxiliary contact is connected to contact input H7a to monitor breaker status.Using the contact input settings, this input will be given an ID name, for example, “Cont Ip 1", and will be set “On” when thebreaker is closed. The settings to use digital element 1 to monitor the breaker trip circuit are indicated below (EnerVista URSetup example shown):EXAMPLE 2: BREAKER TRIP CIRCUIT INTEGRITY MONITORINGIf it is required to monitor the trip circuit continuously, independent of the breaker position (open or closed), a method tomaintain the monitoring current flow through the trip circuit when the breaker is open must be provided (as shown in the fig-ure below). This can be achieved by connecting a suitable resistor (see figure below) across the auxiliary contact in the tripcircuit. In this case, it is not required to supervise the monitoring circuit with the breaker position – the BLOCK setting isselected to “Off”. In this case, the settings are as follows (EnerVista UR Setup example shown).Figure 5–110: TRIP CIRCUIT EXAMPLE 27ULSFRLOD85VHULHVGHYLFHZLWKIRUP$FRQWDFWV, FXUUHQWPRQLWRU9 YROWDJHPRQLWRU'&²$&'5+D+E+F,9 '&%\SDVVUHVLVWRU53RZHUVXSSO\ 5HVLVWDQFH 3RZHU9'& ű :9'& ű :9'& ű :9'& ű :9'& ű :9'& ű :9DOXHVIRUUHVLVWRU´5μ