– 31 –Replacing Evaporator Using the BrazingMethodParts Needed:Freezer Evaporator•Drier Assembly•Access Tube (part # WJ56X61)•Heat Shield Kit (part # WX5X8926)•Caution: A heat shield kit is required for thisprocedure to prevent damage to the plastic interior(liner) of the freezer compartment.Unplug the refrigerator.1.Remove the rear access cover and evacuate the2.sealed system.Remove components necessary to expose the3.evaporator. (See Evaporator. )Note the location of the thermistor and over4.temperature thermostat on top of the oldevaporator and remove.Remove the defrost heater from bottom of5.evaporator and discard. Bundle remaining wiresand tape high on the back wall of freezer.Apply a liberal amount of thermal paste to6.suction line where it enters the rear wall offreezer.Insert the brazing shield behind the joints of the7.evaporator inlet and outlet to protect the liner.Use a torch to heat the joints of the evaporator8.inlet and outlet, separate the joints and cleanthe suction line and the capillary surface.Loosen the 2 Phillips-head screws that hold9.the evaporator in place and remove the oldevaporator.Note the location of the drain probe at the bottomof the old evaporator. Transfer probe to similarlocation.Install the new evaporator and tighten the 210.Phillips-head screws.Connect the evaporator inlet and outlet to the11.suction line and capillary tubes.Check that the thermal paste is still on the12.suction line where it enters the rear wall of thefreezer. If not, apply paste. In addition, applythermal paste around epoxy joints on the newevaporator to prevent the heat from damagingjoint integrity.Move the brazing shield behind the capillary and13.suction line joints. Protect the freezer floor frommolten solder during brazing.Angle torch so that flame is directed away from14.rear wall when brazing. Braze suction line andcapillary to new evaporator.Remove the brazing shield. Clean and inspect all15.joints.Remove the old drier by cutting the halo loop16.as close as possible to the drier. Install thenew drier assembly making sure that there issufficient space between the tubing.Install the access tube. Clean and inspect joints.17.Replace the18. heater supplied with the evaporator.Reinstall the over temperature thermostat,thermistor, and heat transfer wires at the sidesof new evaporator. Dress wiring.Evacuate and charge the system. Use original19.factory charge quantity of R-134a. (SeeEvacuation and Charging Procedure.)Replace all component parts in the freezer.20.Reinstall the rear access cover.21.