THE SYSTEMS MONITORTELLS YOU IF CERTAm TH~GS ARE WRONGDISPLAYPFandRESETSLOWDRAINBLOCKEDDRAINDRAINSENSORTEMPSENSORWHAT IT MEANSElectrical power to the dishwasherhas been interrupted but is nowback on.The dishwasher is taking longerthan normal to drain the waterout. This is usually caused by ablockage in the drain air gap (seeAir Gap section), a kink in the drainhose, or a stopped-up drain pipe.Similar to slow drain. Thisindicates that the drain is soclogged that the dishwashercannot continue to operate in asatisfactory manner. Dishwasherwill stop.Dishwasher will continue cyclealong with a drain period.The temperature sensor in thedishwasher is not functioningproperly. Dishwasher maycontinue to be used, but it willnot heat water automatically.WHAT TO DOIF DISHWASHER WAS IN USE WHEN THE POWERFAILURE OCCURRED:1. Unlatch the door. If the detergent cup is open, adddetergent and close the cup.2. Relatch the door and touch “START,” then immediatelytouch “CLEAR RESET.” (This will pump any remainingwater out of the machine.)3. Select the desired cycle and rerun the load.IF THE DISHWASHER WAS NOT IN USE:1. Latch door.2. Select desired cycle.3. Run cycle when desired.This dishwasher is designed to automatically compensatefor longer than normal drain times, but cycle time will beextended. If this code continues to appear frequently:1. Clean the air gap (See Air Gap section).2. Check for a kink in the drain hose.3. Check plumbing for slow or stopped-up drains.(NOTE: Warranty service does not cover householddrain problems.)Locate and remove the blockage in the drain system.To pump any remaining water out of the machine:1. Latch door.2. Select any cycle.3. Touch “START” and then immediately touch “CLEARRESET.” (NOTE: Warranty service does not coverhousehold drain problems.)If DRAIN SENSOR repeats for the next cycle, call for service.The temperature sensor needs to be replaced. Call for service.NOTE: You may continue to use your dishwasher. For bestresults adjust your household water heater thermostat to 140°F.8