12 49-60704-2Installation InstructionsINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSWATER VALVE ASSEMBLY INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS L$UHWKHVHWKHULJKWLQVWUXFWLRQVIRU\RXUPRGHO")ROORZWKH,QVWDOODWLRQ,QVWUXFWLRQVLQGLFDWHGE\WKHODEHORQWKHEDFNof the refrigerator— L M N Q R S T U V or WFlat blade and PhillipsscrewdriversPliers Sharp knifeBEFORE YOU BEGINRead these instructions completely and carefully.WARNING To reduce the risk ofelectric shock or injury during installation,you must first unplug the refrigeratorbefore proceeding.TOOLS YOU WILL NEED1 REMOVE THE COVERŶ At the bottom rear of the refrigerator, remove theVFUHZ V KROGLQJWKHDFFHVVFRYHUŶ Bend the cover back for access to thecompartment.Ŷ Be sure to save the screws as the access covermust be reinstalled later to ensure your refrigeratorwill function properly.2 ATTACH THE WATER VALVEŶ /RFDWHWKHIHPDOHFRQQHFWRUSOXJ & ZKLFKLVattached to the cabinet by a metal or plastic clip.Remove the clip by removing the screw.Ŷ 3OXJWKHIHPDOHFRQQHFWRU & RQWRWKHPDOHWHUPLQDOVRQWKHZDWHUYDOYH (LWKHUZLUHFDQgo on either terminal.Ŷ Fasten the water valve to the cabinet by drivingWKHKH[KHDGVFUHZ IURPWKHNLWLQWRWKHKROHin the cabinet leg.DQG1XWGULYHUC 4Metal orplastic clipC15WARNING To reduce the risk of death orelectric shock, you must follow theseinstructions:Ŷ Unplug the refrigerator before removing anypanels.Ŷ Do not damage any wiring while the panel isremoved.Ŷ Replace all parts and panels before pluggingthe refrigerator back in.