Usingthe timed baking and masting features.NOTE:Foods that spoil easily-such as milk, eggs, fish, stuffings, poultry and pork-should not be allowed to sit formore than I hour before or after cooking. Room temperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Be sure thatthe oven light is off because heat from the bulb will speed harmful bacteria growth.How to Set an Immediate Start and Automatic StopTheovenwill turnon immediatelyandcookforaselectedlengthof time.At theendof thecookingtimetheovenwill turnoff automatically[] Press the BAKE pad.[] Using the number pads, enter thedesired temperature.[] Press the COOKING TIME pad.NOTE: If your recipe requires preheating youmay need to add additional time to the length ofthe cookllTgtime.The display will show the changingtemperature (starting at 100°F) and thecooking time. The display starts changingonce the temperature reaches 100°F.Tile oven will continue to cook for theprogrammed amount of"time, then shutoffaummatically, unless the Cook andHold feature was set. See the Specialfeaturesof your ovencontrel section.Press the CLEAR/OFFpad to clear thedisplay.[] Using the number pads, enter thedesired baking time. The oventemperature and the cooking timethat you entered will be displayed.[] Press the START pad.How to Set a Delayed Start and Automatic StopYoucanset theovencontrolto delay-starttheoven, cookfor a specificlengthof timeandthenturnoff automaticallgMake sure the clock shows the correcttime of day.[] Press the BAKEpad.[] Using the number pads, enter thedesired temperature.[] Press the COOKINGTIME pad.If you would like to check the times youhave set, press the DELAYSTARTpad tocheck the start time you have set or pressthe COOKINGTIME pad to check thelength of"cooking time you have set.When the oven turns on at the time ofday you have set, the display will show thechanging temperature (starting at IO0°F)and the cooking itme. The display startschanging once the temperature reachesIO0°ENOTE:If yourreciperequirespreheatingyoumayneedto addadditionaltime to thelengthofthecookllTgtime.[] Using the number pads, enter thedesired baking time.The oven will continue tu cook for theprogrammed amount of time, then shutoff automatically, unless the Cook andHold feature was set. See the Specialfeaturesof yourovencontrelsection........................................... [] Press the DELAYSTART pad.[] Using the number pads, enter thetime of day you w_ant the oven toturn on and start cooking.Press the CLEAR/OFFpad to clear thedisplay.[] Press the STARTpad.NOTE:An attentiontonewill soundif youareusingtimedbakinganddo notpresstheSTARTpadafter enteringthebakingtemperature.14